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HomeLatest NewsMan arrested accused of kidnapping and raping foreign woman in Cordoba to...

Man arrested accused of kidnapping and raping foreign woman in Cordoba to force her to give him a child

The man was investigating crimes of sexual assault and human trafficking. He was wanted and captured for cheating on a Peruvian woman in 2022 in Córdoba with whom he and his partner contacted via Facebook as surrogacy but what when you get there The Pédroches forced to have sex to get her pregnant naturally was arrested and prosecuted.

“The person under investigation was located by the judicial authority, the investigation statement was made and he was informed of the summary conclusion order, which will be forwarded to the Provincial Court of Córdoba for the intermediate phase and the holding of the trial,” according to the advance ‘Cordopolis’ and the TSJA informed ABC.

This investigation by the Court of First Instance and Instruction 1 of Pozoblanco, according to the same sources, continues in provisional release with the precautionary measures adopted at the time – the obligation to appear before the judge on the 1st and 15th of each month. While the wife of this individual, a participant in the plan orchestrated by the two, and also prosecuted for the same crime of human trafficking and sexual assault, could not be located, the search and capture continue.

This is the case of a victim of human trafficking of Latin American origin who was tricked into going to Cordoba to undergo surrogacy for which she was going to charge the Peruvian woman 20,000 euros, upon arriving at the home of the couple she had contacted via social networks, she was repeatedly forced to have sexual relations with the couple’s husband in an attempt to I will get pregnant naturally.

According to the account of events collected by the prosecution, once she arrived in Spain, the victim was picked up at the airport by the couple who took her to their home. Already at home, even though the victim had expressed her preference for insemination was artificially produced, “the woman investigated – the wife of the man currently detained – told him that it was very expensive and that he had to have sexual relations with his partner, sexual relations initially accepted by the victim, but then maintained by violence and intimidation.”

In any case, for the prosecution, “the new form of abuse of the vulnerable situation of foreign woman that this purpose can generate, which, in our opinion, could give rise to a “lege ferenda” approach to the purpose of surrogacy within the framework of the typical purposes of the crime of trafficking in human beings.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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