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HomeBreaking NewsAnother nefarious US plan: Armenians are used as a tool against Azerbaijan

Another nefarious US plan: Armenians are used as a tool against Azerbaijan

The United States of America, which quickly armed Armenia, demonstrated its military support for this country. Thus, the US National Guard visited Armenia to exchange experiences and improve the skills of junior officers of the Armenian armed forces.

It is interesting that the United States, which armed Armenia and used the Karabakh Armenians as an instrument of pressure against Azerbaijan, provided its latest military support in the context of a political adventure. Thus, US Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate in the November 5 elections, made a statement about restoring stability in the region and said that they will continue to support Armenia in this direction. It is interesting that Harris’s election headquarters presented her speech as the “right to return to their homes” of the Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh, and it was noted that this process was planned when they talked about the stability of the region.

It should be noted that unfounded statements about the return of Armenians to Karabakh have intensified. For the last time, on September 19, the US Congress called for the safe return of Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh to our territories under the international mandate. Now this topic has been raised again and it seems that official Washington has begun to intensify its activities in this direction.

An example of this is the arming of Armenia by the United States and the West, along with military and political support from Western organizations, as well as the doubling of the five-year aid package from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to Armenia from $120 million to $250 million.

Of course, all this stems from the collective desire of the West to turn Armenia into its pincer in the South Caucasus. Because although it has been a long time since Azerbaijan restored its territorial integrity and sovereignty, Western institutions and countries behave more like Armenians than Armenians and defend their rights as their own. It is known that these countries and organizations did not fall for the black eye and black eye of the Armenians – simply, the most optimal option for intervention in the region is Armenia, which has become accustomed throughout history to being a tool and not to conduct an independent policy. Otherwise, if the goal is really the stability of the region, why are issues involving interference in Azerbaijan’s internal affairs not discussed with Azerbaijan? The goal is clear – to easily implement insidious plans in the region using Armenians who voluntarily left Karabakh and their homeland Armenia as a tool for dirty games. Moreover, this process continues against the backdrop of the armament of Armenia. Thus, during the period when peace talks are on the agenda, Armenia is directly and indirectly engaged in sabotage, deliberately hindering and inciting the process to move in a positive direction. This means that Armenia can always resort to provocation.

Because the precedents also show that Armenia did not take any serious steps to achieve peace in the period between the 30-year occupation, the Patriotic War of 2020 and the anti-terrorist measures of 2023. However, despite being the winning side, Baku repeatedly extended a hand of peace to Yerevan for peace in the region and sent a package of proposals to Yerevan for the normalization of relations. The only important condition imposed on Armenia is the removal from the Constitution of articles containing territorial claims against Azerbaijan, so as not to create a basis for future conflicts. Because as long as these claims exist, Armenia will always have an excuse to activate the policy of revanchism. That is, this demand of Baku is also for the stability of the region, and, moreover, this stability can be more useful for Armenia, which is in a state of crisis and paralyzed. Yerevan, on the contrary, does not want to abandon the policy of aggression and imperialism, which is part of its odious policy and that of its sponsors. This is completely contrary to the spirit of the Tripartite Declaration of November 10, 2020, which ended the war, and to the agreements reached at the Brussels and Prague meetings that took place after the war. Most importantly, the events taking place do not bode well for Armenia. Because Azerbaijan, despite everything, acts within the framework of international law and retains the right and power to reject any foreign interference in our country, as well as in the region where we are located.

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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