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Perelló obtains unanimity to appoint the vice-president of the Supreme Court and the commissions of the CGPJ

The plenary session of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) unanimously approved this Wednesday the appointment to the post of Vice-President of the Supreme Court of Judge Dimitry Berberoff as well as the composition of the legal commissions of the CGPJ: Permanent, Disciplinary, Qualifications, Economic Affairs and Equality. Both agreements are the result of the consensus reached between conservative and progressive members under the presidency of Isabel Perelló, who presented Berberoff’s proposal in what was her first plenary session as president. This nomination has largely exceeded the three-fifths necessary for its development.

Also at today’s plenary session it was agreed the establishment of four other regulatory commissions: Studies and Reports, Judicial School, International Relations and Computer Modernization.

Council sources said that Perelló congratulated the members for the agreements reached in the last two weeks “thanks to the effort, dedication and generosity of all” and indicated that this will allow the Council to work “effectively” and face the “important” work that awaits it.

He also expressed confidence that “consensus and cordiality” will govern the activity of the CGPJ and will become the “hallmark” of this new mandatebecause “many expectations are placed on the institution” and its members must face their obligations and responsibilities with an institutional sense.

Among the most important tasks facing the governing body of judges is that of dealing with about a hundred pending appointments in the judicial leadership and a proposal for a new model of the CGPJ that gives more weight to judges in the election of judges of judicial origin.

Six-month mandate

On this second subject, the CGPJ got to work and also during the plenary session this Wednesday, a working group was created to prepare a report on the nomination system of this group of members, who are twelve of the twenty members of the Council (the other eight are lawyers). In addition, another working group has been created to study and analyze the implications of artificial intelligence in the exercise of the jurisdictional function.

Two very important positions within the governing body of judges were also announced: that of promoter of disciplinary measures and that of Head of Inspection ServiceBoth Supreme Court judges and judges with more than 25 years of experience in the judicial career may attend.

Central Election Commission

On the other hand, the CGPJ appointed the judges of the Supreme Court Eduardo Calvo and Pilar Teso new members of the Central Electoral Council (JEC) to replace Isabel Perelló and Ángel Arozamena, who presented their resignations after being appointed the first president of the High Court and the CGPJ and the second, member of the Council.

The appointment of Calvo and Teso, both magistrates of the Third Chamber, was made by insaculation, including on the ballots the names of the entire judicial career with the category of magistrate of the Supreme Court in active service.

The Central Election Commission (JEC) is composed of thirteen members, including eight Supreme Court justices and five professors of law or political science and sociology, whose term coincides with each legislature. Currently, The Congress of Deputies did not appoint the five professor membersConsequently, the appointment by royal decree of the designated members was not carried out as provided for in Article 9.3 of the Organic Law on the General Electoral System (LOREG).


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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