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PP and PSOE overturn Vox’s concord law in the courts of Castilla y León

The courts of Castilla y León were overturned in the regional plenary session this Wednesday, with the votes of PP, PSOE, UPL-Soria now! and the Mixed Grouptaking into account the Concord bill that the PP-Vox coalition government registered in April. Given this decision of the Parliament, the spokesperson of Vox, Juan Garcia-Gallardoregretted that thanks to the vote against the PP, Luis Tudanca’s PSOE “is celebrating today” and “is going to bed very happy” because of the decision of Fernández Mañueco, whom he accused of not having a word.

In his speech to defend this bill, García-Gallardo asked the PP members what doubts this law had raised within the Popular Parliamentary Group and why they had signed this bill at the time.Why have they defended it until now?“, García-Gallardo asked his former government partners, whom he warned would lead an “energetic opposition”, to “reveal their shame” and “express the infinity of contradictions that they have.”

“Make no mistake, We will defend the principles of our voters. And one of his commitments is to end his decree on historical memory of 2018,” concluded the spokesperson for Vox in the courts of Castilla y León.

For his part, the PP’s lawyer Oscar Reguera justified his group’s vote against “the current situation” and for “reasons of opportunity, priority and prudence” which, as he defended, advise “postponing” the treatment, although he reaffirmed the PP’s “conviction” that the text that came out today is “constitutional.”

Reguera recalled in this regard that there are currently two draft regulations being developed Historical Memory Actone regulating the Council of Democratic Memory and another that regulates the catalog of symbols contrary to democratic memory, which, as expected, could affect the standard that was wanted to be applied in Castile and León.

“As if that wasn’t enough, Law of Concord of Aragon “It was appealed for unconstitutionality and its suspension was decided until the problem is resolved.” Reguera considered that “the same thing” could happen with the Valencian Community’s Concord Law since the Spanish government has already announced that it is considering formulating another one in October.

As we explained, these events led the Popular Party to request a report from the Spokespersons Commission last Thursday. Advisory Board that they consider it “necessary and essential” to verify the constitutionality of the proposed law given the “probability” that the government of the nation will also appeal against it. “That is why we consider that its continuation in processing is not a priority and that is why we are considering having this report. Prudence advises waiting,” he concluded.

Reguera recalled, on the other hand, that although “the couple lasted” in the coalition government of PP and Vox, the relationship “was fruitful” and they resolved their “logical divergences“with good will and dialogue and regretted that his former partners decided to “show his recent celibacy by flirting with the rest of the opposition” and at the same time trying to “impose” from outside the Executive the policy that he abandoned when he broke the pact “following the instructions of Mr. Abascal, our former father-in-law”, joked the “popular”.

“Is it reasonable that someone who leaves a house wants to impose from a distance how that house is organized?” asked Reguera, who, in the same comparison about couples, was ironic about the situation. Agreement between PSOE and Vox to the Table of the Cortes to include the consideration of this bill in this plenary session. “If they continue like this, it is better that they get married, do not continue to hide their relationship, please, because we all know that everything can be used as a clamp,” he concluded.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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