Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 12:59 am
HomeBreaking News52-year-old man dies after being hit by truck in Triana

52-year-old man dies after being hit by truck in Triana

a man of 52 years old died This Wednesday in Triana, victim of a road accident. It was at the height of the San Martín de Porres square.

A a truck ran over him as he was about to cross the street. Although doctors spent more than 45 minutes performing resuscitation maneuvers, they were unable to save his life. The driver of the vehicle was 32 years old.

Three ambulances and several cars The police went to the scene of the accident. This area of ​​the Sevillian neighborhood was very busy at the time of the events, between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. This is the rush hour for people leaving school.

It must be taken into account that López de Gómara and the Ronda de Triana, the artery that continues to San Martín de Porres, constitute a key area for several lines Tussam buses such as the C1 and C2.

This circumstance made traffic even more difficult. Even the routes of these transports had to be amended.

Now the local police team specializing in road accident investigations is I am trying to clarify the event. The agents carry out the visual inspection. Likewise, it will also be responsible for analyzing the testimonies of the truck driver and those of the witnesses.




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