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“Transsexual in disguise with satanic appearance”

“Next time, mention me by name, hey.” The transvestite archaeologist and YouTuber PutoMikel responded to Vox on his social networks, after mentioning it during the session of Congress held this Wednesday. “Children will not know anything about Cervantes or Galdós, but they will remember very well the stories told by transsexuals disguised as satanic-looking sticks,” said the far-right congressman Joaquín Robles López.

The representative intervened during the session to ask an urgent question to Pilar Alegría, to whom he asked questions about the government’s policy on education.

Mikel Herrán, better known as PutoMikel, is a doctor in archaeology and a history disseminator on social networks, in which he defines himself as an “archaeologist, drunk and idiot, determined to teach the past.” Last May, he published the book Sodomites, Lazy People and Thugs. The Story of Spain Diverted from Atapuerca to Chueca (Planet). It traces the lives of those who have questioned the norm of desire, gender or sex. “The LGTBIQ+ history of Spain long before these acronyms or even Spain existed,” he explains in his synopsis.

“History has been a compulsory subject since the end of the 19th century, since the creation of the nation state, because part of the formation of the national spirit consists of teaching that we have a common history. And this sin of prejudice,” he explained to this newspaper during the Memefest, held last March at the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB).


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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