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Joël Guerriau, accused of drugging a parliamentarian, will no longer be a member of the Senate “until further notice”

Senator Joël Guerriau, suspected of having drugged MP Sandrine Josso without her knowledge in order to sexually assault her, announced on Wednesday 25 September to Gérard Larcher that he would no longer be a member of the Senate. “until further notice”accepting “to withdraw from one’s duties” executives, the entourage of the speaker of the Upper House told Agence France-Presse.

“Gérard Larcher asked him to resign from his mandate but received no response” On this subject, the entourage of the President of the Senate continued. Joël Guerriau held the position of Secretary of the Senate and Vice-President of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Under judicial supervision since the end of 2023, the senator from Loire-Atlantique was suspended following his party Horizontes and his parliamentary group.

388 nanograms of ecstasy per milliliter in blood

On Tuesday, Joël Guerriau was questioned about suspicious searches found on his phone, sources close to the matter confirmed to Agence France-Presse (AFP) on Wednesday.

“Drugs and rape”, “GHB ecstasy effects” [gamma-hydroxybutyrate, surnommé “drogue du violeur “] » , “GHB effects the next day”, “GHB sales point”… The examination of Mr. Guerriau’s phone revealed that the senator had made several Google searches on rape and drugs on October 9, 2023, just over a month before the events reported by Sandrine Josso, after elements of the investigation. It was the first time he was questioned on the matter since his accusation on November 17, 2023.

The centrist MP, heard in March, told the investigating judges that she had been invited to Mr. Guerriau’s house to celebrate the re-election of his “political friend” who encouraged her to “drink quickly” and adopted a “strange behavior”turning the light on and off several times. He had explained to her in police custody that he had committed a “magic trick”.

According to a police report from July, which AFP learned of on Wednesday, the victim had 388 nanograms of ecstasy per millilitre in her blood when she left Mr Guerriau’s house, a dose well above a dose usually considered “recreational”. Tests carried out on Ms Josso also showed a complete absence of narcotics during the seven months preceding the afternoon of the incident.

Taking “types of downloads” In the heart, Sandrine Josso says she saw Mr. Guerriau with “a white bag in hand”. “Terrified”He then called a taxi, without any physical contact with the senator.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Senator Joël Guerriau, suspected of having drugged a parliamentarian, criticised by politicians who want to set an example

During his police custody, Mr. Guerriau mentioned personal experiences, including the death of his cat and the illness of a loved one, that would have led him to obtain a “euphoric” with another senator. “There might be something at the bottom of the glass I poured for you.”he said, evoking a “management error” champagne glasses.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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