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Home7 Girl Behaviors That Make Guys Annoyed

7 Girl Behaviors That Make Guys Annoyed

For guys, girls are complicated and too sensitive, so they get sulky or angry very quickly. Guys make just a little mistake, girls can be amazing. You are required to always be able to understand the girl, sometimes you try but it still goes wrong. It can be said that he is passionate, that’s for sure, but again affection trumps everything. You as a guy can only be annoyed by yourself or at most just shake your head in amazement. How can you survive this extraordinary girl’s behavior? Sigh, it’s hard!

Secretly in the hearts of guys always hope that some of the annoying behaviors of girls can be eroded slowly. Although sometimes not all girls have the behavior below. No need to be emotional when reading, be patient even though this reality may be annoying.

1. Bad mood because of something unclear, you are annoyed but curious

Girls’ moods are indeed more swingy.  Especially when they are PMSing, guys have to have more patience. Because, at times like this, girls are very susceptible to bad moods because of things that guys don’t know clearly. It’s better if her bad mood makes her say a thousand words. But when she gets angry, you feel like putting her in a soundproof box.

What else can you do? If you respond with the same emotion, the situation will only get worse. Even though you are already annoyed, coupled with your curiosity about the cause of her bad mood. It’s annoying but it’s a shame that makes you try to, oh well, wait for her mood to improve, who knows, after that, your girlfriend will want to tell you.

2. Girls are chatty, from comments to managing things, it gives me a headache, but sometimes it’s good too

Girls are born with advantages in terms of language skills, aka speaking. Their vocabulary is greater, compared to boys. In a day, girls can use more words than boys. Therefore, it is quite natural if your girl is one of the chatty types. It’s just that your girl’s chattiness is more often to comment and organize almost everything.

Starting from the news issue that has been commented on and controlled the most. Even though you always try to update every day. Even matters such as appearance, even your hangout activities with your friends. Ugh…. not only annoying, but also makes your head spin. I want to reply to the comments, especially her chatter, but after thinking about it, her chatter sometimes has its good points too. This is how it is, it’s a shame but annoying.

3. Making demands that are often unreasonable, it’s tiring, but as long as it makes him happy, you will still obey him.

Ask for comments or likes on every post on his social media, ask for a fast response to every message he sends, and even ask for his boyfriend to always be there when he needs you. It would be better if the request did not end in a demand that seemed like it had to be done once. But often it does become a necessity. Once a demand is agreed to, new demands will always come and often they are unreasonable, aka a little beyond the common sense of men.

This is where sometimes guys feel tired, and confused about wanting to reject their girlfriend’s request, but deep down the desire to make her happy is still much greater. Finally, yes, try to just obey.

4. Your ex is jealous, and your friend is also jealous, it makes you feel wrong but if you think about it it looks funny

Your girl’s sensitivity is what makes her often insecure and ends up feeling jealous. The funny thing is, he doesn’t just get jealous of one specific girl, like an ex-girlfriend, but sometimes of your other friends too, especially female friends. You feel like it’s all wrong, you’ve tried to act appropriately but your girl still often doesn’t like you.

When you complain, he always makes cliché excuses, what else if not, I’m jealous because I love you.

5. Not letting you know for a moment, your girl has already sent all kinds of messages

The guy is just busy and hasn’t had time to reply to the message. Even if he doesn’t reply until the next day, it’s not because he’s angry as you might think. At most, your guy is so tired that he suddenly feels too lazy to do other activities including replying to messages, and finally chooses to fall asleep and postpone giving news.

No matter how many times this happens, your girlfriend still often assumes all sorts of things. It’s troublesome with feelings and thoughts that are too sensitive.

6. He hasn’t even heard your explanation yet, but he’s already getting angry.

That’s how girls are, they get angry first before hearing the explanation. All their worries come pouring out. Even though the assumptions she expressed are not in line with reality. You’re not just playing around and not forgetting the time, your girl just doesn’t know the conditions of the trip that has to be taken for hours. It’s annoying, but maybe you were also wrong because you didn’t explain from the start.

Yes, even in a guy’s expectation, a girl can always understand. At least ask first, why did you just come home? how far is the place? were you there longer? or something like that, the important thing is not to corner her. Girls are indeed difficult!

7. A girl suddenly goes silent, but when asked, she’s okay. What should a guy do?

Being sulky while grumbling is still better, especially if the nagging comes out, at least you understand the reason why. But what if she suddenly goes quiet, with a very, very flat expression. You who don’t know anything try to ask, but unfortunately?ly her short answer doesn’t tell you anything. Your girlfriend’s answer “It’s okay” actually gives a new mystery, if this is the case, there must be something, and she just keeps it to herself.

No matter how annoying your girlfriend is, if she loves you, she won’t be a burden on your heart. At most, she’ll nag for a while, then she’ll love you again and everything will be fine.



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