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He made his sister’s virginity deprived

In July 2023, law enforcement agencies in the region received information about the stabbing of two brothers during an argument on Fatalikhan Street in Guba, and one of them died on the way to the hospital.

Oku.Az The Russian Federation reports that during operational investigative measures around the 35-year-old resident of Guba district Firuz Salimov (name is conditional), who died during the incident, it became known that Firuz and his brother Nadir Salimov (name is conditional) were previously acquainted with Guba. Resident Ruslan Goyushov (surname) who lived in Russia, surname is conditional) was stabbed. Firuz died while being taken to hospital as a result of 8 stab wounds, but doctors managed to save the life of his brother Nadir.

A fake marriage that ended in failure

When Ruslan, who traveled to Russia in search of money since he was 17, heard some unpleasant conversations about his sister Asya (name is optional), who recently lived in Baku, he seemed to be unable to find a place for himself. The doubts that ran through his dreams and came to life before his eyes brought him for a moment to Baku, to his relatives. Two years ago, when he came from Moscow to Baku to visit his relatives, his father had a private conversation with her and told her that a person named Gubada Firuz had slandered his sister Asya while she was at university, had sexual relations with her and violated her virginity and, in order to prevent it from becoming known, Kamal, a distant relative of Asya (name is conditional), said that she should get married and the child should be with Firuz and not with Kamal. After learning this, he told his father that he would kill Firuz, who caused his sister’s divorce, if he ever met him. His father told him not to do anything, that the matter would be resolved and calmed him down for a while. He believed his father’s promises and decided to kill Firuz because he did not want the boy to be left without a father.

Mysterious moments that brought Russia’s brother to Baku

After that he returned to Moscow. After some time Ruslan learns about his sister’s divorce from Kamal and that she lives in a rented house in Guba with her lover Firuz. His mother told her son that they live as husband and wife and there are no problems between them. However, Ruslan blames Firuz for what happened and believes that one day he will take revenge on him.

He returned to Baku in 2023 and read his mother’s WhatsApp social media account to find out what kind of relationship Asya had with Firuz. He learned that Firuz’s relationship with his sister is not as he knew it, but that his family members lied to him, that Firuz does not live in the same house as Asya, that he rents a house and comes and goes from time to time, that he drinks alcohol with Asya, and that he treats his sister not as a wife, but as a woman from the street.

After reading these correspondences, he heads to Guba and decides to meet Firuz to clarify the matter. While traveling by taxi from Baku to Guba, he buys a kitchen knife in one of the markets in the Saray settlement and continues on his way. Gubada calls Firuz and tells her that he wants to meet her. Upon meeting him, Firuz knows that he also has a knife. This is felt by the fact that Firuz often brings his hand to the knife during the argument. During the argument, Ruslan stabs him 8 times, first hitting him in the throat. Seeing his brother attack Firuz, who came to his house, he wounded him in the arm with a knife.

“If I hadn’t hit him, he would have killed me.”

During his free testimony before the investigation and the court, Ruslan said that he had no intention of killing Firuz at first. He also grabbed the knife he was carrying with him to defend himself.

“Before I met Firuz, I spoke to him on the phone several times. He threatened me and I felt that he might hurt me during the meeting. So I took the knife as a precaution. When I arrived in Guba, it was around 1:00 pm, but Firuz was at home and I asked him why he left my sister alone at night. Firuz took me by the arm and led me to the courtyard of the building where he lived. “Seriously, I was Asya’s brother. I saw the blade of the knife that he hid in the back of his pants. He often put his hand on the knife. If I hadn’t hit him, he would have killed me.”

“I told my husband that my son is not yours, he agreed and accepted me”

Asya’s statements, around which all events revolve, are attracting more attention.

“Firuz and I studied in different classes at the same school. I started to love him since I was 10 years old. When I was 11, I moved from Guba to Baku with my family. I couldn’t see Firuz for a while. Then, when I was studying at the university, I came and stayed in Guba on rent. Firuz found me on the social network Instagram and wrote him a message and then we started meeting him regularly. sex in Guba Although at first he said that he would marry me, he refused his promise and said that he would never do it.

Asya informed her mother about Firuz’s relationship with her. On this eve, her distant relative Kamal, who came face to face with Asya at Gubada, informed his family that he liked her and sent his messengers to her. This embassy was unexpected for Asya’s parents, who knew that Kamal had a weak personality.

“While I was engaged to Kamal, even though I informed him about meeting Firuz and even having sexual relations with him, he accepted me without any objection. My son was born 4 months after we got married. I told Kamal that the child is Firuz’s. Therefore, he wanted me to tell his relatives that the child is his.”

Kemal did not oppose his wife’s request and told his relatives that the child should be born from his close relationship with Asya a few months before the wedding. In her testimony, Asya also mentioned that during her marriage with Kamal, she never had a relationship with him as husband and wife. She lived informally with her boyfriend Firuz for 4 years.

During the judicial investigation, the criminal act committed by Ruslan Goyushov, as well as the expert reports and other material evidence added to the investigation material, were properly analysed and assessed. According to the verdict of the Sumqayit Serious Crimes Court, Ruslan Goyushov was sentenced to 12 years in prison, charged with crimes 120.1 (intentional homicide) and 128 (intentional slight harm to health) of the Criminal Code.

Elgun Hasanli


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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