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West Azerbaijan Chronicle: “The Albanian ruler Oroys is Aruz, chief of Tash Oguz in “Kitabi Deda Gorgud””

As part of the West Azerbaijan Chronicle project, Dr. Elchin Alibeyli broadcast the program “Arsak and Sisakan, as Turkish territories, were part of Albania.”

In the program, Doctor of Philosophy in History, Associate Professor Tavakkul Aliyev talks about the formation of the Albanian state.

He said that Russian historians relate to Armenians and Urartians, who are unaware of each other’s existence: “Azerbaijan is related to our ancient state, Albania. October 1, 331 BC is the day when the Albanian state was formed. 2,355 years ago on October 1, Arsak and Sisakan were Turkish territories, and the Greek historian and geographer Strabo mentioned the river flowing through central Albania. The chieftain Taş Oghuz is Aruzli Aruz is the ancient Albanian ruler Oroys.”

T. Aliyev said that according to the writings of the Armenian historian Bishop Sebeos, the people of Sisakan stood up and asked Atropatena for help: “The people of Sisakan asked Khosrov for help to defend themselves from the Armenians. It was the people of Sisakan, who joined Atropatena to protect themselves from the Armenians, demanded to take away the Armenian name from us.”

According to him, the Armenians erased the facts against them everywhere: “The territories of Arsakh and Uti remained a part of Albania according to the Sassanian-Roman treaty of 387. Tigran is a descendant of the Parthian Arshaks and does not belong to the Armenians. Haylar Armenian the descendants of the Parthian Arshak The famous Russian historian, on the map of the anthropologist and ethnographer Alexey Ivanovsky, all the toponyms of Western Azerbaijan are in the Azerbaijani language.

In the end, the historian clarified the interesting points related to the delivery of horse meat when a hero died in Azerbaijan, placing the horse’s head inside the grave, as well as the horse’s head that came out of the open grave in Gadabay.

It should be recalled that the aim of the Chronicle of Western Azerbaijan project is to preserve and promote the name of our historical lands, as well as to learn about the deportation of Azerbaijanis by Armenians, the toponyms that existed in those territories, but their names. Countless examples of underground and surface material culture have been erased: ancient settlements, necropolises, burial mounds, remains of a castle, palace and fortification, caravansary, bridges, burial chests, stone crosses, statues of horses and rams, temples, churches. Mosques, pyres and hearths are revealed, and the facts confirming that the area is a pure Oghuz-Turk settlement are brought to the world community.

Also the president Ilham Aliyev Regarding Western Azerbaijan, he said: “The map of the beginning of the 20th century once again shows that Western Azerbaijan is the historical land of Azerbaijan, the names of cities and villages are of Azerbaijani origin, and we know very well that Azerbaijani people have lived on the territory of present-day Armenia throughout history. Now the main task is to make the world community aware of this as well,” – according to him, it is about promoting the duties arising from the Concept of Return of the Western Azerbaijani Community developed by him.

It also aims to enlighten the thoughts of historians and researchers about West Azerbaijan and the life stories of people who were deported.

More on the Baku TV plot:

West Azerbaijani Chronicle: “The Albanian ruler Oroys is Aruz, chief of Tash Oguz in “Kitabi Deda Gorgud””

West Azerbaijani Chronicle: “The Albanian ruler Oroys is Aruz, chief of Tash Oguz in “Kitabi Deda Gorgud””


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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