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A government in permanent negotiation

This week there was the deficit trajectory bill and last week there was the bill that limited vacation rentals. We have been like this for almost a year and we still have a lot left, according to Pedro Sánchez’s intention, so that they can assume that the limited legislative aspirations that they may have take another path, that of negotiation/lameness in front of the rest of the regime’s partners and especially in front of the Catalan independentists.

The Council of Ministers meetings are a group meeting which they take advantage of to distribute positions and benefitsbut in the legislative field they are a formality without any practical effect. Before or after this council, they must concentrate on obtaining support; because it is a government in constant search for support and in constant negotiation, but not to implement this or that law, but simply to survive. This is the only aspiration and, in reality, everything else, whether it is the problem of housing, the budget or anything else, takes second place.

But if we put more zoom In this situation, we see that the survival of the Government, of this Government, is not an objective in itself, but an objective insofar as it serves to keep its president. Sánchez does not need a government to establish policies and govern the country, he needs a platform, nominally and formally called the Spanish Government, that allows him to remain in Moncloa.

And this statement, which is not only his own, but is already shared by his party, by the media and by a part of the electorate, has become an obsession. He needs his permanence as president of the government becomes a state assetand that this kind of divine right to command be recognized as the principal good to be preserved, to which all other principles or rights can be sacrificed. For this reason, as the sole and inalienable holder of these, he even asked Núñez Feijóo (who had won the elections) to give him his votes (who had lost them) so as not to be forced allow the humiliation of Spain in response to Puigdemont’s requests. And it’s not just a relief, it’s a superiority syndrome which he feels has been chosen by Olympus.

Assuming then that it is a question of preserving a higher good, which is his permanence in power, we must accept that there is no limit to the concessions to partners who assure him and in the ignoble conditions, the vices and the baseness that he must arrogate to himself. He would not like to be a forger and a swindling chameleon, but, as was the case with the Viscount of Valmont in the film Dangerous friendships“I can’t help it.”

And in our film, Sánchez has to do what he said he wouldn’t do; the one who had to become an insomniac communist at Iglesias’ request; the one who betrayed the Saharawi people, the Canarians or the Ceutíes to the satisfaction of Morocco; or who becomes a confederalist (ignoring that a confederation first requires the independence of the States that compose it) out of a need to please its partners, These are requirements of the scenario.

On this occasion, this script leaves the umpteenth role to the super minister Bolaños, who increasingly resembles the hilarious Gracita Morales and who, like the latter in the funny Atraco a las Tres, repeats everywhere that “he who does not leave, who “does not disappear.” There is also a role for the president of Congress, who was caught asking for instructions and asking Simancas, Secretary of State for Relations with the Courts, if she should sign something. And of course, for the minister’s spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, who told us, barely able to suppress a laugh at the joke she was making, that it was her fault if she was withdrawing. The bill comes from the PP.

However, far from trying to reach an agreement with the people, they will continueto negotiate with Puigdemont. Someone should make them understand that the mere fact of meeting and negotiating with a fugitive criminal about something other than his surrender to justice, renders unnecessary any further comments that might disqualify the meeting and any outcome that results from it.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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