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HomeBreaking NewsThe tragedy of Nagorno-Karabakh and the criminal conspiracy of the authorities -...

The tragedy of Nagorno-Karabakh and the criminal conspiracy of the authorities – EADaily, August 30, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova commented on Wednesday, August 28 at a briefing on the issue of ethnic cleansing committed by the Azerbaijani authorities against the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh and the return of Armenians to Artsakh, the Voice of Armenia reports.

“As for ethnic cleansing, to be honest, I think you and I have already talked and asked whether representatives of respected international organizations in Armenia drew any conclusions on this matter. Even when we discussed this with you, six months ago, you could not give me a single decision or a single assessment that would come from the pen of international organizations or experts working in an international organization on ethnic cleansing. If so, please share it with me or provide some relevant estimates.” – said the diplomat.

Maria Zakharova He also asked the question “How does the Prime Minister of Armenia view the return of Armenians to Nagorno-Karabakh?”:

“As for your question on how Russia views the solution to the issue of the return of the Armenian population to its historic homeland, Nagorno-Karabakh, which you formulated in this way, I would like to clarify how the Prime Minister of Armenia views it. Nikola Vovaevich Pashinyan?

Is there a detailed program for this? For example, I saw the program that was published by the Azerbaijani side on the proposal to return Nagorno-Karabakh to the population, you can call it in another way, the original population, who lived there until recently, the Armenian population. This program was presented by the Azerbaijani side. I saw it.. If there is any program prepared by the Prime Minister of Armenia, I would also be happy to see it and then comment on it.”

Meanwhile, the journalist Marina Mkrtchian The Voice of Armenia writes that “each of those currently in Azerbaijani captivity expressed their attitude towards Pashinyan at different times.”

Someone did this six years ago in response to a statement. Sasuna Mikaelyan that the victory of the people in the 2018 “revolution” is much more important than the victory in the war for the liberation of Artsakh.

The reaction from Stepanakert came immediately, and even faster came a rebuke from Pashinyan, who repeated this thesis the next day (this was during the election campaign in preparation for the December 2018 elections), advising Stepanakert officials to mind their own business. And the leader of the regime threatened to deal with these people after the elections, and so it happened, some had to resign immediately after the first early campaign…

Someone like Arayik HarutyunyanHe ruined relations with Pashinyan much later, when it became clear that the regime leader recognized Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan not only in words, but also in deeds…

A number of arguments and evidence can be given that Pashinyan has a vital interest in ensuring that eight representatives of the legitimate government of the Republic of Artsakh do not return to Armenia before the upcoming parliamentary elections. Their return could generate a huge wave of resistance.

Each of the eight is capable of bringing large numbers of opponents of the ruling regime onto the streets. Karapetyan He is right, and his conjecture applies not only to the former Minister of State, but also to all representatives of the military-political leadership of the Republic of Artsakh.

Someday all the known details of the relationship between these people and Pashinyan will be revealed, but for now we must be guided by the principle: do no harm!

The politicized public does not see the real efforts of the ruling elite to achieve the return of all Armenian prisoners, including the former leaders of the Republic of Artsakh, from Azerbaijani captivity.

Attract Putin In connection with his recent visit to Baku, he showed that in this matter there are more hopes in the President of the Russian Federation than in the Prime Minister of Armenia. One can only hope that one of the items on the agenda of the meeting between Pashinyan and Putin will be the issue of the return of all Armenians from Azerbaijani captivity, if not at the instigation of Pashinyan, then at least at the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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