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This is the new price of the school canteen in Andalusia for the course that begins in September

This Sunday, September 1st, at two in the morning, the deadline begins to apply for bonus scholarships for the complementary services of Andalusian public education. That is, the dining room, the morning classroom and extracurricular activities.

The date is on the calendar of many households given the agitation generated by the increase in school canteen prices, approved weeks ago by the Board of Directors Andalusian and collected as such in the Official Journal of the Government of Andalusia August 2. The update proposed by the Regional Executive now estimates the daily rate at 5.54 euros, 56 cents more than what parents had to pay until last June, and almost one euro more than the amount stipulated during the previous year.

If the annual calculation is made, the increase in question leaves a total of 1,002.74 eurosassuming that the child has to use the dining room during the 181 days established by the school calendar in Andalusia for the next school year 2024-2025.

According to the Consumer Organization, the dining room is a means for parents of secondary school students Concerted education 140 euros per month on average in Spainwhich amount to 155 euros when the installations are private.

This is undoubtedly the main economic burden on family members from education, except in cases where tuition fees have to be paid, of course.

For its part, and unlike the Council’s update in 2023, the price of the two morning class from the extracurricular activitiesYou will continue to pay 17.51 ​​euros per month (1.33 euros per day in the specific case of the morning class).

Returning to the OCU survey, extracurricular activities taught in public centres in Spain entail an outlay of 76 euros per month, or 92 when the establishment is subsidised or 112 if the training option is private. uniforms They would be among the concepts that weigh the most on the final bill, up to 188 euros more.

Vulnerable groups

The Commission’s imminent aid, aimed at students in the second cycle of Early Childhood, Primary, ESO, Basic Vocational Training and Special Education, offers the three services free of charge or at a reduced price.

However, the beneficiaries are very specific sectors of the population, as this aims to promote the situation of families in extreme social difficulty or risk of exclusionor directly under the supervision of the Public Administration; that of the descendants of victims of terrorism; the children of women who have suffered gender-based violence. Family units with meager income —in this case, as a bonus—.

On the other hand, there are specific cases of students who are forced to move out of their city because there are no educational options, as long as they have a split schedule and there is no school transport formula that brings them closer to home during the midday break. Or those who depend on school transport and its schedules force them to stay at school for 30 minutes when they have finished the day in the morning, even if they do not have to come back in the afternoon.

For everyone, seven days of application are open to make everything that comes with returning to the office more bearable.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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