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How to Master the Art of WhatsApp Audios

How to Master the Art of WhatsApp Audios

WhatsApp audios have become a ubiquitous means of communication in our daily lives. About 7.000 million voice messages are sent daily via the platform, It is obvious that this feature has revolutionized the way we communicate. However, as with any powerful tool, using it requires some thought.

These are WhatsApp audios, not a podcast

One of the most controversial aspects of WhatsApp audios is their length. Receiving audio longer than four minutes is, and I’m speaking in my case, discouraging. Implementing the function to speed up reading partially alleviated this problembut courtesy suggests keeping messages less than a minute long.

If the content is extensive, It is better to send several short audios rather than one long one. Better yet, you might consider making a phone call to discuss issues that require a detailed explanation.

Clarity of message is another key factor to consider. Audio with excessive background noise will be incomprehensible, force the recipient to ask for clarification. It is therefore important to find a quiet place to record, away from traffic noise or wind, to ensure the message is clearly conveyed.

Think before you save

The spontaneity of voice notes can lead to disjointed and excessive use of fillers. To carry out effective communication, it is important to think before recording, Be concise and direct, and focus on the main message. This practice respects the recipient’s time and increases the likelihood that the message will be fully heard and understood.

It is advisable to avoid cramming too many questions into a single audio and to send important data, such as addresses, dates or account numbers, in text format to facilitate subsequent consultations. Additionally, it is essential to respect privacy when listening to audio in public, using headphones, or placing the phone near your ear to prevent others from listening to private conversations.

The context always present

There are situations in which it is preferable opt for other means of communication. When an immediate response is required, in a formal or professional environment, or it is known that the recipient cannot hear the audio at that time, it is best to resort to text messages.

WhatsApp audios are a powerful and effective tool that, used judiciously, can enrich our digital communication. The key is finding the balance between the convenience they offer and respect for our audience’s time and circumstances. When we follow these guidelines, we will improve the effectiveness of our communication.

It must be remembered that behind each screen there is a personand that empathy and common sense should guide our interactions, even when it comes to something as seemingly simple as sending a WhatsApp audio. Digital courtesy is becoming a fundamental aspect of our interpersonal relationships, and the appropriate use of voice notes is just one example of how we can improve our communication.


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