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“She commands and always brings us to a safe harbor”

In San Vicente de la Barquerawalking through the streets that saw him grow up, David Bustamante expressed to Albert Espinosa, how he “got into debt” with his first salary as a mason, buying his mother a diamond bracelet for 80,000 pesetas.

“When I was 14, I won 80,000 pesetas and the bracelet was worth 95,000. I had to pay for it for two months,” the singer explained. David Bustamante’s mother, who wanted to accompany them both on the show, remembers what that moment was like. “It seemed excessive to me, so I took a normal one and put the rest on his account.” Something Bustamante discovered months later.

“Of all the stuff I gave home that they didn’t need, when I turned 18 I realized I had it all in a registered account. “I had to give up the entrance to an apartment”confessed the singer. “I’m 41 and the first person I call for advice is my mother.”said Bustamante, who took the opportunity to tell his mother how important it was to him and his family: “She is a captain and always brings us to a safe harbor.”

You have to understand that we are privileged




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