Friday, September 27, 2024 - 4:46 pm
HomeTop StoriesAlvise Pérez tries to avoid the illegal financing of his training and...

Alvise Pérez tries to avoid the illegal financing of his training and recognizes the payment of 100,000 euros in black

Alvise Pérez has just reacted on his networks to the whole controversy of 100,000 euros in black. The agitator admitted through a video posted on his official Instagram account that I collect fees from cryptocurrency businessman Álvaro Romillo. But he justifies himself by saying that “the Treasury is a mafia” and that they don’t want us to take his money. In addition, he assured that he would have accepted the payment to save “savings”.

“The Treasury is a mafia and this criminal system is broken. I accepted these private fees without invoice to save money and not to enrich myself from my political activity and because I refuse to allow the State to take half of what belongs to me,” he expressed.

He also justified the collection by alleging an act of “moral sacrifice” trying to avoid the problem: “They will call me corrupt, but who didn’t make moral sacrifices to get where they are. I was paid for my work without invoices. Yes. But I refuse to hide behind lies and empty promises. “




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