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Castilla y León campaign celebrates EU passage and censures Spain’s ‘mistake’ with wolf

With “hope” what they consider to be a “logical and necessary decision”. This is how the agricultural organizations of Castilla y León welcomed the measure taken by the European Union to reduce the protection of the wolf, so that it passes from the status of a “strictly protected” species to that of a only protected species. . Member States formalized this Thursday the principle of the agreement reached the day before by the ambassadors to modify the conservation status of the species, which must now be addressed in the Berne Convention, whose Permanent Commission must meet in December.

And faced with this progress at the community level, from the countryside, they also agree regretting “the obstinate stubbornness of the Spanish government -the only one to have voted against, with Ireland- to any change that protects the livestock sector” and to the “continuing obstacles” in this regard.

“East It’s a shame that Spain throws itself into the mountains and free in Europe on a subject as important for the survival of extensive breeding as the wolf”, declared the president of Asaja Castile and León, Donaciano Dujowho regretted the lack of support for the sector. “It’s clearly a problem of political will.”reproached, also recalling that Castilla y León is the Community of Spain “which suffers the most from the territorial advance of the wolf”.

The estimates, Dujo pointed out,They highlight the presence of 2,000 specimens of canis lupus, with an average of 2,500 attacks per year, “50 percent of all those recorded throughout Spain”. And since the entry into force of its registration in Lespre, “an exclusively national regulation imposed on the breeding sector by the Ministry of Ecological Transition” which has in practice prevented since September 2021 any control of hunting of canines both in north – where before yes, we could hunt with quotas – as in the south of the Duero, “dead animals increased from 3,900 in 2021 to more than 5,500 lost in 2023“.

In the same sense, from The UPA-COAG Alliancewho considered “a big mistake” that Spain voted against the decision of 21 countries, being, with Romania, the one with the most wolves. Something that the agrarian organization influenced, which “shows once again “the ideological burden” of Teresa Ribera’s ministrywhich “ends its stage in the worst way, by radicalizing a problem which only harms breeders”.

“The problem of wolves for breeders is not only a question of money, the damage must be paid, yes, but the physical and psychological damage cannot be repaired with money,” they warn from La Alianza.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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