Friday, September 20, 2024 - 8:19 pm
HomeTop Storiesthe arguments that Sancho's defense used to defend the absence of premeditation

the arguments that Sancho’s defense used to defend the absence of premeditation

Daniel Sancho’s defense tried to prove that there was no premeditation in Edwin Arrieta’s crime and did so, for example, “with the photography of the bruises, with the idea that there was a fight or a struggle on the day of the assassination.” as Antonio Pérez Lobato pointed out in theSexta Xplica. In this sense, Lobato stressed that “They are trying to prove the thesis that there was a fight. between the two after Edwin tried to have sex with Daniel, and Daniel refused.

Furthermore, what the defense says about Garbage bags “served as raincoats”because, they said, “it was the rainy and monsoon season.” Regarding the knives, Sancho’s lawyers indicated that “the choice of the bungalow was due to the fact that Daniel intended to record videos while he was cooking, because the hotel did not have a kitchen; and the knives were intended for cooking,” said the journalist from LaSexta Xplica.

Finally, to demonstrate that there was no premeditation, Daniel Sancho’s defense claims that “when he went to rent the motorcycle, I left the passport at the office“What they want to defend is that if he had planned to kill Edwin Arrieta, he would not have left such clear evidence,” concluded Antonio Pérez Lobato.

*This article is part of an intervention by Antonio Pérez Lobato last Saturday in LaSexta Xplica, before the life sentence of Daniel Sancho was announced.




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