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Sandu has it in mind: Shoimaru has it on his tongue: the godless government is destroying the country – EADaily, August 30, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

Former Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin believes that the recent statement by Vasily Shoimaru, a deputy from the ruling presidential party Action and Solidarity, on the ban on the Russian Orthodox Church in the Moldovan metropolis “following the example of Ukraine” is not “his personal opinion”, as the PDS press service was quick to say.

According to the leader of the Communist Party, “the preparatory work for the humiliation of canonical Orthodoxy in Moldova began a long time ago” and the current puppet head of state is behind it. Maia Sandu.

“After reading this nonsense, I don’t think it’s a personal initiative of his. I know that Shoimaru, who has a slow development, has what’s on the tongue, his bosses: Sandu, Grosso (President of Parliament) and Romanian advisors in the near future, as the main objective”, – said Voronin.

The politician cited as an example the favouritism of the authorities towards the so-called Bessarabian metropolis of the Romanian Patriarchate and the pressure on Moldovan priests to force them to submit to the protectorate of Bucharest. The politician added that “nothing more should be expected from the godless government.”

Voronin recalled that, according to all surveys, the Church enjoys the highest level of public trust in Moldova and unites Moldovans on both banks of the Dniester. Therefore, here “the calculation is simple and precise: by destroying the canonical Church, you, those who are in power today, are destroying the country.”

“War with the Church, with Orthodoxy and faith, is a war with one’s own people. If you are willing to do this, you are state criminals, renegades and traitors. God’s punishment will definitely overtake you.” – Vladimir Voronin concluded.

Let us recall that the day before, the PDS MP Vasily Shoimaru said that “the time will come when we, as Ukraine, will give up the Moldovan metropolis, which is actually the metropolis of Russia.”

“I tell you that I believe that we will solve the problem of the metropolises. This autumn the problem will be solved.” – Shoimaru said.

Following growing public outcry, the PDS began to justify itself by saying that this was the MP’s “personal opinion”, and Sandu recorded a video message in which she stressed that “there is no danger for either the Moldovan metropolis or the Bessarabian metropolis”. According to her, during her four years in power she has done more than anyone else “to promote peace and mutual understanding between these metropolises”.

As reported EADaily Earlier, Vladimir Voronin called on citizens to defend the Moldovan metropolis from the Russian Orthodox Church and to prevent, through joint efforts, external interference in the sacred spiritual values ​​of the people.

“It is obvious to me that this is another stage, perhaps the most dangerous one, of the real moral and mental war unleashed against the Moldovan state and people.” – the former president then stressed.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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