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HomeLatest Newswhat is there under the sand of the beaches of Spain

what is there under the sand of the beaches of Spain

The beaches from Spain they have under the sand a wide variety of elements, science has revealed this mystery. This summer we will surely have enjoyed more than one beach, in these days of intense heat when we wanted by all means to obtain what we had always wanted. In this case, walking on the beach, just noticing the sand on your feet is already something therapeutic. We can enjoy a special ride now that we know what’s under the sand.

The mystery has been revealed these days when it seems that the beaches are disappearing. Unfortunately there are some who will suffer the consequences of these storms and storms that we are facing. Especially in certain more or less exposed regions of the country. No one is safe from being immune to this type of problems which can end up being those that mark a before and after. Without a doubt, the time will come to start applying wisdom to know what lies beneath these beaches. Sand isn’t the only thing we can touch.

The mystery has been solved

One of the mysteries that surround us these days is knowing first-hand which elements are found under the sand of the beaches and which can end up being the ones that mark a before and an after. Without a doubt, it will end up being something we never thought of.

The sea, the beach, the landscape have a relaxing effect for which you must begin to prepare. Without a doubt, the time has come to put on the table certain elements that will make this important difference.

We will assume this transformation of knowledge that is hidden in the depths of everyday life in which we will know at all times what is at that point. The sand, the pollution in which we all participate, but also the more or less intense impact at certain points.

It’s time to know what is happening under our feetunder this sand that we touch and that we now take into account. You will know what the experts say about these beaches that may even keep secrets inside, as well as details that will eventually come true. Take note of what Meteored experts say about beaches you may not know about.

This is what’s under the beach sand

The sand of Spanish beaches may be just the first step to what lies beneath. Science has found important data that we need to know about that we may not have known until now is so important or can be.

Continuing what Meteored experts say: “Beneath the sandy surface of the beaches, geological secrets, vital ecosystems and essential raw material are hidden for our modern economy. The natural history of a sandy beach is so variable that it is almost impossible to define a typical beach. The depth of the sand, which can vary considerably, often hides a layer of compact sand and sandstone.

Continuing with the same explanation: “On the Mediterranean and Atlantic beaches of Spain we find a variety of rocks at different depths. In the Mediterranean region, it can occur with limestone, a sedimentary rock formed from the remains of marine organisms. In the Atlantic region, by digging you can find granite, a type of igneous rock. Other places, like the iconic beaches of Dover in the United Kingdom, are composed of chalk, a type of limestone made up of microscopic remains of marine plankton. Beneath Florida’s Gulf Coast beaches, we found a layer of decaying organic matter and black muddy matter. In different parts of the world, such as Copacabana in Brazil, Walkiki in Hawaii and Bondi in Australia, we discovered different types of rocks, from granite to basalt, sandstone and slate.

These beaches could be in danger: “Severe droughts caused by climate change and dams are decreasing the natural accumulation of sand on beaches, leading to the need to artificially fill beaches. Added to this is the destruction of dune ridges and the alteration of coastal drift currents. We should also not forget the rise in sea levels or the greater recurrence of extreme storms.

You will therefore have to take care of it and be aware of it. In Spain we have beaches that are literally disappearing, so it is time to take emergency measures, either because of climate change or because of human actions that do not respect a landscape that must be cared for as much as possible , in the present and in the future, beaches are a natural asset for everyone.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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