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HomeBreaking NewsFeijóo wants to increase the deduction per child from personal income tax...

Feijóo wants to increase the deduction per child from personal income tax by 50% to promote the birth rate, in his conciliation law

The People’s Party’s conciliation bill continues to make news, even though it has not yet been registered in Congress. This time it is about encouraging the birth rate through direct and substantial income tax assistance (IRPF). As this newspaper learned, it is planned to update one of the flagship measures of the first government of Jose Maria Aznar.

In the year 1999that the Council of Ministers, faithful to its promises of lower taxes, introduced a deduction of 1,200 euros per year per child during the minor’s first three years. Since then, inflation increased by 79.2% the cost of living for Spaniards, according to official data from the National Statistics Institute (INE).

However, this amount has not been updated by any of the subsequent governments. Only that of Mariano Rajoy added another help from 1,000 euros more for “women working outside the home”.

Now the PP plans to increase the deduction by around 50%, according to the sources consulted, which would increase the deduction up to 1,800 euros per year per child.

This tax help It will not be the only one to include the PP conciliation law, but it is the one to which the current popular leadership wants to give the most importance. And it is because the initiative responds to one of the maxims which Alberto Nuñez Feijóo has been flying like a flag for weeks: “In Spain we must put a red carpet for anyone who wants to start a family and make it easier for our young people to have children.

“Unproductive” expenses

As PP sources explain, 25 years ago, these 1,200 euros per year constituted a “clear incentive” to reproduce or adopt. But the measure, still in force, at the moment does not meet any of its objectives.

So, instead of being a investment Improving the lives of citizens and the state’s accounts in the long term – more children, more consumption, more production and, finally, more jobs and contributions to pay for pensions – only means spending. unproductive.”

If the calculations are respected, they would increase the aid by half, which would reach 1,800 euros per year for each person. child born or adoptedwhether for marriages, common-law couples or single-parent families.

As Feijóo announced this Thursday, the People’s Party’s commitment to “replace a paralyzed government who only cares about their survival and well-being and not those of the Spanish people” is reflected in this standard, of which three other measures were already known.

10 days ago the opposition leader traveled to Alicante to inaugurate the school year with the president of the Valencian Community in a children’s school. The government of Carlos Mazon achieved, during its first year, extend the free network of schools from 0 to 3 years old until all locations in the region are covered.

“We started it in Galicia, with my government,” Feijóo explained proudly, “and it was part of our electoral program for the autonomous regions“. Valencia was the first of the 12 PP regions to keep its promise, “but the others are already doing it.” The PP law provides that this free network of schools from 0 to 3 years is guaranteed throughout Spain with 50% funding between the State and the CCAA.

Another initiative that includes this standard, about to enter the congressional records, is the extension of the 20 weeks paid paternity and maternity leavewith freedom for couples. Both for the distribution between them and for the dates of enjoyment.

According to PP sources, this is to facilitate the decision-making to become a parent, without motherhood being “an obstacle” in the professional career” of women. And above all, encourage the “co-responsibility” of men.

The third measure combines another obsession of the current PP: increasing productivity so that workers can aspire to better wages, making work relations more flexible even in terms of hours and days.

The former frontal rejection of the four-day week by some of its leaders has transformed into the evolution of an idea also coming from previous governments of the PP, the Rajoy’s “bank of hours”.

The popular will negotiate this point (and the others) with the social agents “from the second week of October”. But the idea that employees can concentrate their work week on four days, “if there is an agreement with the employer”the PP finds this useful.

The PP will announce further news in the coming days as part of a campaign to promote this legal text which, according to it, works. “We are not only proposing concrete measures which help citizens“Explain party sources. “Also we stole this false flag from the left that they alone defend equal opportunities.”

And also, very importantly, “we draw attention to those members of the PSOE who were there thinking it was for conveniencebut they already realize that Sánchez is deceiving them and hurting them.”




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