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HomeEntertainment NewsIn Mexico, President AMLO's judicial reform project paralyzes the courts

In Mexico, President AMLO’s judicial reform project paralyzes the courts

One might think that the technical and administrative workings of the judicial reform would not attract popular attention. But the last month of the mandate of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as “AMLO”, promises to be disrupted by the cascading consequences of this reform project, which provides, in particular, for judges and magistrates to be elected by popular vote. Presented on February 5, this will be one of the first major issues to be addressed by the deputies and senators of the new legislature when they return on Sunday 1.Ahem September.

The Mexican peso falling sharply, a judicial system paralyzed by a strike, and a diplomatic setback with the United States are some of these consequences. On August 22, the American ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, published a press release in which he recalled his past as a prosecutor, before laying out his concerns: “In my experience, after a lifetime of defending the rule of law, I believe that the direct election of judges represents a significant risk to the functioning of democracy in Mexico.” And to add to that [le débat autour de cette réforme] It threatens the historic commercial relationship that we have built, which depends on the confidence of investors in respect for the law in Mexico.”

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. “From the streets to the presidency. Protest centers in Mexico”: A look back at the political rise of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known as “AMLO”

The reaction of the markets was not long in coming. The Mexican peso abruptly ended its good season that began in 2023. The currency has lost 16% of its value since the general elections on June 2. Particularly reactive to attempts to interfere, the Mexican president decided, after these comments, to implement ” break “ his relations with the ambassador. Later, the Head of State clarified that this announcement only referred to the diplomat and not to the relations between both countries. But the US State Department took the initiative, and through the voice of the Under Secretary for the Western Hemisphere, Brian A. Nichols, transmitted its public support to its ambassador, while reiterating its respect for Mexico’s sovereignty.

With a qualified majority of two thirds in the Chamber of Deputies as of Sunday, Morena (the party of “AMLO” and the president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, who will take office on May 1)Ahem October) and his allies will surely approve this reform in the first instance. In the Senate they only need one vote to obtain the same qualified majority and ratify it definitively. “I know it will be difficult, but I hope that this reform will not be approved. They cannot ignore our movement.” sighs Graciela Malja Aguirre, a judge who is participating in the strike that has paralyzed the federal court since August 19.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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