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The PSOE gives wings to the theory of the involvement of the CNI in the attacks in Catalonia by agreeing with Junts to investigate this affair

Junts’ parliamentary spokesperson, Míriam Nogueras, admitted this week to a group of journalists that the PSOE “began to understand” how to negotiate with her. That all parliamentary missions entrusted to its seven deputies must carry something under their arm. Now, Moncloa interpreted that this “something” can happen by any means, even if it is unrelated.

This is the only way to explain why, in the midst of negotiations to approve the deficit path in the Lower House, the government agreed to declassify “reserved and secret information” on the jihadist attacks of August 2017 in Barcelona and Cambrils . Concretely, the conversations that the CNI had with the imam of Ripoll, Abdelbaki Es Sattythree years before the massacre.

Then, the considered plot mastermind He was serving a prison sentence for drug trafficking, but among separatists there is a theory that at the time of the attacks he was still an informant for the secret services and that, therefore, intelligence knew they were going to be clerk. The CNI has denied this on several occasions.

The two commissions of inquiry, into the attacks and Operation Catalonia— that the government has reopened go in this direction. But socialist and sumar sources assure that, precisely, they failed because “there is nothing to hide” and because the executive “is in favor of transparency”.

The work plan agreed with Junts, to which EL ESPAÑOL had access, provides for the declassification of certain parts of the secret summary “with videos and voice testimonies of witnesses.” In turn, they request photographic evidence of a white Mercedes BENZ van belonging to the imam, found in San Carlos de La Ràpita (Tarragona) a few days after the explosion.

Likewise, the commission demands all information “in the possession of state security forces and agencies on possible terrorist threats between 2016 and 2017.” Also all coordination agreements between the police, the civil guard and the Mossos d’Esquadra since 2011.

The work plan, agreed by the PSOE, Sumar and Junts, was carried out behind closed doors with the support of Bildu and the PNV and now a deadline will be set to organize between 25 and 30 appearances. Close sources assure that the calendar will begin on October 15 with the summons of Francisco Martínez Vázquez, Secretary of State for Security at the time of the attacks.

In the background, it is important to note that the unblocking of the commissions of inquiry is part of a significant uproar in Congress. Since the start of the session, neither the government nor the opposition bloc have managed to maintain a clear majority, always with more or less hidden associations with the Junts.

This commission, as well as the one investigating the appeal Operation Cataloniaare part of the agreement that ERC and Junts signed with the Socialists in August 2023 to appoint Francina Armengol as president of Congress. Both were created in February, but had not yet started operating.

Junts’ sources reject that these releases are linked to negotiations on the trajectory of the deficit with the government, but they recognize that “the PSOE is moving forward” and that they note it as being more “closer and attentive” than before. In recent days, post-converged leaders have expressed outrage over the call 3-0 (three to zero), in reference to the socialists in power in Spain, Catalonia and Barcelona, ​​with the separatists as spectators.




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