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“It gives us hope! »

At 78 years old, Annie, for whom being right-wing is above all “a way of being: respect, authority and righteousness”, He has never failed his political family, despite his successive failures since the departure of Nicolas Sarkozy from the Elysée in 2012. Thus, the Republicans (LR) return to their responsibilities, with the presence of Michel Barnier in Matignon and the Obtaining of ten ministries, including the Interior. agriculture and overseas, delighted this LR supporter in Allier. “It gives us hope! Finally ! We have lost our way several times, Michel Barnier may be able to relaunch LR”wait for this retiree, who still claims to be “Gaullist”.

Just three weeks after the appointment of the former chief Brexit negotiator, Annie is already feeling “considered” AND “calmed” for the personality and style of this new prime minister, 73 years old. “ He is a man who inspires confidence with his height and his coldness. He keeps his distance, he doesn’t talk much, it shows”lists the retiree.

Emmanuel Macron’s choice to appoint Barnier to Matignon achieves a consensus among the assembled right-wing voters. Xavier Bertrand, with a more divisive profile, would have aroused less enthusiasm, they say. With the only appointment of the former Minister of Agriculture, these LR supporters want to believe in the return “stability” AND “order” after two chaotic years in the National Assembly, whose dissolution amplified the fragmentation of balances.

” Commitment “

To address this majority related to multiple political risks, Georges, inserted “since 1970” in the different right-wing parties that have followed one another, values ​​the “good negotiator qualities” by Mr. Barnier. “He is not in favor of compromise, he is in favor of compromise”points out the 75-year-old retiree, LR activist in the Belfort Territory, regretting that“In France we do not have this mentality of working with people who do not agree with you but with whom we have to move forward a little together”.

At 21 years old, Emilien Thérond only knows Les Républicains, of which he has been a member since he was 14 in Cantal. Despite his young age, he sees in the support for Mr. Barnier the illustration that “The politics of yesteryear reassure people”after seven years of Macronism. “This Chiraquian policy may not have been so bad”analyzes the law student.

What does it matter if the LR parliamentary group in the National Assembly went from 61 to 47 deputies, becoming only the fifth force in the Bourbon Palace? The New Popular Front (NFP), which came first in the polls, can denounce a “Contempt for the polls”The agreement reached between the presidential camp and the LR leaders was the only possible result for a government that was not immediately overthrown in the Assembly to support these right-wing voters. Although the future of the executive will depend on the decision of the National Assembly (RN) to vote or not on the motions of censure presented by the left.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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