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better price, more content and work

Learn more about El Español’s Master in Journalism

Better prices with more financial assistance. Reinforcement of content on demand according to the student’s interest. Expert and important journalists showing what they do every day…

Registrations for the Master of Journalism at EL ESPAÑOL and Camilo José Cela University are open for the 24/25 academic year, with a growing bet compared to the previous year.

A new cycle begins for the training of another group of journalists, while the students of the first edition of the Master of EL ESPAÑOL eagerly strive to demonstrate in the newspaper, during their period of paid internships, what They learned in class between October 2023 and March 2024.


The selection process to access the new edition of the master has already started. Thanks to the success of the first edition of this “master”, the main Spanish newspaper has decided to make it even more accessible.

The price for taking it has been reduced compared to the previous year, also maintaining the system of discounts and scholarships. What does not vary are the two fundamental principles of teaching any discipline.

1) The important educational and practical load, vast and deep, during the year that the Master lasts: six months in the Class Journalism Workshop, from October to March, and another six months as a journalist at the editorial staff of EL ESPAÑOL, in April. to September.

2) The knowledge and example of teachers, all active journalists. Most of them will become colleagues or bosses during the internship semester at the newspaper.

This combination worked, as evidenced by the sections in which the students of the first promotion worked. It is for this reason that the newspaper of Pedro J. Ramírez, director and president of the publishing house, as well as the Camilo José Cela University, chaired by Nieves Segovia, prefer the professional benefit of the student to a better economic result for both companies.

However, the Master, with its first 15 students, did not experience losses in its initial edition, which is unusual when launching a bet of this type, as the Council of EL ESPAÑOL learned at the end of June last.

Meet the professors of the Master of Journalism

The Master in Journalism from EL ESPAÑOL and the UCJC has the ultimate objective of training useful professionals for today’s newsrooms.which will make it easier for new journalists to find employment.

Although there is no formula that guarantees full employment, this “master of masters” focuses on creating multimedia journalists capable of writing and transmitting information with voice and image. The multimedia journalist is today in greatest demand to know how to use a platform that offers information through different means.

A Master’s student from El Español receives written instructions.

Javier Carbajal

Quality digital newsrooms are like this today, or should be: they must have journalists trained to provide direct and live information; able to write excellent reports; obtain differentiated data; know how to access keys and sources that are not easily accessible; give exclusives with the required effort and skill; manage the podcast format, which is increasingly used; do video interviews; use AI as a tool to complete information or verify its veracity; take advantage of social networks to obtain information or for journalistic articles to have a greater reach…

DNA and work

All of the above seems a lot, and it is true, but the students of the first edition of the Master of Journalism EL ESPAÑOL can attest that they have had enough hours in the Journalism Workshop to learn by practicing everything that precedes. And it will be the same for new students.

Registrations are open. The essential requirement is to hold a university degree in any discipline. It is not essential that it is in journalism or communications. In the special classroom that this master’s degree will have on the campus of the Camilo José Cela University, located at 4 Juan Hurtado de Mendoza Street, Madrid, students will practice with journalist professors, equipped with the necessary technological means.

New students will also understand the “intangibles” that are part of EL ESPAÑOL’s DNA. Said Pedro J. Ramirez: “Journalism in itself is a way of life.” To earn a job, it is essential to work the necessary hours; We must also be convinced that information is a fundamental element of any democratic society.

“We are growing very quickly and we need to integrate new talent, new enthusiasm and new ideas into our editorial staff”Ramirez said.

The director of the Master himself, Miguel Angel Melladoformer news director of the newspaper, uses as his watchword a motto in line with the professional way of life: “There are stories even under the stones, but we have to take the trouble to lift them”.

War correspondent Antonio Pampliega, new professor of the Master of Journalism at El Español.


Run, cheer each other up, support each other, be patient, don’t lose the rhythm… This is not the tactic of a football team that works hard and wins… This is life within writing accessible to students of the second edition of the “master of masters” in journalism.

Learning to work with respect for the truth above all and as a team are two other aspects of the Master in Journalism EL ESPAÑOL. It should be remembered that at least two of the best students from the second edition will be hired at the end of the internship in September 2025 and could continue in the newspaper.

In the new edition, certain aspects of the Master will be strengthened, with the incorporation of other great journalism professionals. This is the case of Manuel Cerdanone of the main investigative journalists of recent decades in Spain. EITHER Antonio Pampliegawar correspondent, whose kidnapping for 299 days in Syria, by Al-Qaeda, shocked Spain and became the longest suffering suffered by a journalist in our country.




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