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HomeBreaking NewsFoods to avoid during a cold: doctor's recommendation

Foods to avoid during a cold: doctor’s recommendation

“During a cold, the body directs all its resources to fighting the viral infection, so it is important not to overload it with heavy foods.”

Oku.AzAccording to, endocrinologist, nutritionist and candidate of medical sciences Oksana Mikhaleva warned about this.

He pointed out that digesting food requires a lot of energy, so it is necessary to choose simple and easily digestible products, avoid fast foods, snacks, carbonated drinks, as well as fatty and fried foods.

“In the absence of appetite, it is important to maintain a water regime to accelerate the elimination of toxins. If you do not feel like eating, you can obtain energy from simple carbohydrates, such as red fruit juices or milk with honey, which will help you restore strength and prevent dehydration,” said the doctor.

He also recommended eliminating red meat, baked goods and sweets from the diet.

According to the doctor, the most suitable foods will be soups made with fat-free broth (chicken or fish), cooked vegetables, buckwheat, cooked chicken, lean fish, as well as a small amount of fruit (preferably cooked), cottage cheese. sour dishes and dairy products.

At the same time, he noted that fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber can cause a feeling of heaviness, so it is best to save them for the recovery period.

“During an illness, food should be simple, healthy and easily digestible, and contain protein, carbohydrates and a small amount of useful fats. Preparation methods such as boiling, baking, steaming and steaming are preferred. The more The softer and more homogeneous the food is, the better it will be easy to digest. Broths, soups and well-cooked meats are the best options in the first days of the disease; as the condition improves, you can gradually return to normal eating,” the expert added.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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