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HomeEntertainment NewsThe French government faces the outbreak of bluetongue

The French government faces the outbreak of bluetongue

On Friday 30 August, Marc Fesneau, the outgoing Minister of Agriculture, finally decided to go to Saône-et-Loire, more precisely to the town of Flagy, to the farm of Julien Fuet, a sheep and goat breeder. A field trip, organised urgently, since bluetongue fever (BTF) is on the rise in France and has already reached this department.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. Breeders concerned about the arrival of the new wave of bluetongue

A new serotype of this disease, also known as “bluetongue”, serotype 3, made its first appearance on national territory on Monday 5 August in the North, on the border with Belgium. Three days later, the number of households affected rose to 3, then to 63 on Friday 16 August, before reaching 190 a week later. And on Friday 30 August, the number of outbreaks recorded jumped to 342 in thirteen departments, reaching those of Orne, Saône-et-Loire and Somme. The variant of this disease, which is transmitted by insect bites, the Culicoides, therefore appears to be highly contagious. It first appeared in the Netherlands in September 2023, then spread to Belgium and before reaching France. It affects cattle, but especially sheep, causing mortality in flocks, but also fertility problems, abortions and reduced production.

Tense financial situation

The ministry has not yet revealed the number of animals that died following contamination with FCO serotype 3. “In certain affected flocks of sheep, mortality can increase very rapidly, reaching 30% or even 50%”says Patrick Bénézit, president of the National Bovine Federation.

Faced with this new health risk, the government launched a free vaccination campaign on August 12, at an estimated cost of 10 million euros. However, support for breeders in the area affected by the disease is limited. Following the example of Christophe Van Hoorne, sheep breeder in Marne and national secretary of the Confederation Paysanne. “On Monday the vaccination was open and on Thursday I vaccinated my animals”explains. A decision that does not eliminate all uncertainties: “The vaccine takes three weeks to take effect. I watch my flock in the morning and in the evening and examine the heads of the sheep, because there was a case in Aisne, near my home.says. I can’t afford to lose any animals. »

The financial situation of sheep farmers is indeed tense. Fears are therefore high among their ranks. And the question arises as to whether the number of vaccines ordered by the State will be sufficient as the affected area is growing very rapidly and already represents almost two thirds of the country.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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