Friday, September 27, 2024 - 6:51 pm
HomeLatest NewsScandal! Taxes are going down…!

Scandal! Taxes are going down…!

Political cynicism gave us this week a battery of slogans, notably against the Junta to divert attention from the budgetary failure… slogans like gifts to the rich or the renunciation of billions for Health or Education by not supporting the spending cap. The left knows what its customers like. It is not very important that it is false, of course, they found a powerful framework in denouncing that the Andalusian government is lowering taxes, collecting less, while asking for money from the government. It can work, even if it is demagogic from start to finish. Let’s face it, the Council’s message of lower taxes coinciding with the declaration of being at the limit on health or education was a mistake. You make the opportunistic accusation of lack of consistency too easy. But that said, it is worth emphasizing that the left is falsifying reality from start to finish, starting by denouncing that the Council is abandoning or selling public health or education, whose budgets have increased by 40% since then. the arrival of PP.Y Mixing. taxes with financing are tricky. The financing system cannot mean that Andalusians have less well-funded services than in Catalonia, Cantabria or La Rioja. And this, which really affects health and education, has been happening since the Zapatero and Esquerra pact in 2009… and it becomes even worse with Sanchismo by breaking the common regime by a handful of votes, with the signature of María Jesus. Montero, who saw you and who sees you. And that is the real scandal, without a doubt, not that the Council has slightly reduced taxes in accordance with its powers and in accordance with its electoral platform. Besides, the last part: when the PSOE governed and the Council was the community. The one who raised taxes the most, the one who squeezed taxpayers the most… were health and education doing better? Or was it more of a funding problem?


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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