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Shame at the national demonstration after the recruitment of a neo-fascist activist in the Assembly

On the showcase side, the National Rally (RN) swears to have cut ties with the most radical French far-right. Behind the scenes, the party founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen maintains links with several small groups in favor of violent actions or the broadcasting of racialist theories. And this, in the very heart of the place where the old National Front continues its enterprise of notability: the National Assembly.

For his second term as deputy for Var, Philippe Schreck recruited a certain Rafael Ferron among his collaborators. A young man who, as the newspaper revealed Release On Tuesday, September 26, he is better known by his pseudonym: Raphaël Ayma, an alias under which he acts as “spokesperson” for the Tenesoun identity association, resulting from the dissolution in 2019 of the revolutionary nationalist movement Bastión Social.

“Doing justice to justice” in “Libération”

Inspired by identity and realist currents, this Provençal organization aims to fight against “against the “great relief” [une théorie complotiste et raciste, popularisée par l’écrivain Renaud Camus] and the great erasure that endangers the carnal existence of our people.”. Tenesoun, a participant in the neo-fascist parade that is organized every year in the streets of Paris at the call of the May 9 Committee, wants “far from political demagoguery and obsolete parties”. Except RN, therefore, when it comes to promoting one of their own to the rank of parliamentary collaborator.

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Requested by the worlddeputy Philippe Schreck replied that “no[vait] there is no time » to respond. Near the obsmentioned a “defamation complaint » to be presented by your collaborator. “We are going to judicially resolve our throats” has Releasehe said, adding that “the left [était] a mental illness ».

However, the RN does not intend to let justice decide the case of this problematic associate. According to information from WorldThe leadership of the parliamentary group, through its secretary general, Renaud Labaye, demanded that Schreck break with Ferron as soon as possible. The enterprise of demonizing the far-right party cannot be hindered – publicly – by the slightest affinity with small radical groups, historical sources of labor and future executives of the Lepenist party.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. How the panorama of the French far-right is being recomposed


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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