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HomeLatest News“We will not apply housing policies that fail”

“We will not apply housing policies that fail”

“We do not accept threats and we will not implement policies that do not work”. This is how explicitly the spokesperson for the Council and Minister of Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernández Carriedo, responded this Thursday to the warning launched by the Minister of the sector, Isabel Rodríguez, that the autonomy which does not do not comply with the housing law will not do so. receive state funding for their housing policy. An opinion which becomes particularly important if we take into account the upcoming preparation of the State plan, in which Financing at 70 and 75 percent In each autonomy, it comes from the Central Administration. “If they do not ensure compliance with the law – which includes, among other aspects, the price limit for stressed areas – I will condition the financing,” the minister warned.

Words which did not please the Regional Executive since, once again, “we see to what extent The government acts submissively in financing separatist parties and this threatens the communities that are clearly committed to the common project of Spain”, said Carriedo. A reality which demonstrates, he stressed, that “what they want is to withdraw resources from all communities to have funds and face the payment of the political price that they must pay to the separatists”.

“It is not a question of submitting to the separatists and threatening the rest of the Spaniards, but of guaranteeing equality wherever they live,” insisted the advisor, then responding to the minister: “We do not accept discrimination , privileges, inequalities or threats.

More price for standard

For the spokesperson for the Council, who made these statements this Thursday after the Government Council, the reality is that it has been demonstrated that “where they have put the most intensity into implementing the measures of the Law, this is where the price and the difficulties of access have increased”, so that “Housing has never been so expensive in Spain as with these policies. On the other hand, he defended that in Castile and León the price is more moderate and access easier, to which we must add the fact that there is less inflation and that also helps.

This favorable scenario, according to Carriedo, is due to the policies implemented by the Council “which work and which allow prices to be lowered.” Among them, he mentioned rental assistance with no limit of funds; guarantees for the purchase or tax deductions. Certain actions allow “the price to be lower than in the whole of Spain and to increase less”. “We do not want to apply policies that fail where they are applied, but rather that work,” he concluded.

Beyond housing, what most concerns the Regional Executive at the moment is the preparation of the Budget 2025 the presentation of which is already certain, although it is not yet known whether they will see the light of day, given that the PP does not have an absolute majority to approve them in the regional courts. For now the project is practically prepared, as Carriedo indicated: “On Monday we will have the last functional budget commission with the general secretaries, we will refine the last figures and we will be able to present the budget”. At this stage, the Council spokesperson warned that “we look forward to seeing the new transfers to Puigdemont”, in reference to the conversations that the PSOE is having in Switzerland with the separatist fugitive. He therefore regretted that “we are waiting for what they decide because it could affect us, so it would be good if the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council was convened.”

It is in this forum that the limit of the deficit must be presented, he insisted, which resulted in a first offer to Puigdemont of 0.8 percent of GDP, which would mean, in the case of Castilla y León, 600 million more spending capacity. . The advisor did not want to comment for or against this figure and limited himself to emphasizing that “if the Government has a Plan, it will have to talk to us about it; “If it’s just that or if there is more behind it, because the issues that affect all autonomies are being negotiated with a fugitive from justice and in Switzerland.” Faced with this scenario, the Minister of the Economy defended that The budgets of Castilla y León are negotiated here even if “there are political groups favorable to negotiations in Madrid”, he declared in reference to Vox, without naming him.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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