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Is the menstrual cup really a good method for all women?

I want to start using the menstrual cup but I have doubts and I see a diversity of opinions among those who have used them. Is this really a good method for all women? Can I just start using it? Mariangeles, 36 years old.

Before answering your question, I would like to share something with you: I use the cup, but not always, not every day of my period and of course, not at all times of my life. I am a mother of two and I can assure you that I have gone through many different phases in dealing with my period blood.

As a menstrual educator, I like to talk about the menstrual cup as another option. It is very important that all girls and women know about it and how to use it even before they have their first period. But there will undoubtedly be times and situations in which the menstrual cup is not the best option and it is advisable to use other methods such as disposable organic cotton pads, cloth pads or period panties.

Who is the menstrual cup for?

  • All menstruating women can choose to use the cup.
  • It can be used from the first period, regardless of age.
  • It is used for all types of bleeding.
  • It is particularly useful when there is a lot of bleeding, you are away from home or doing water sports, although it can be used at any time and at any time of the day.

When is it not recommended to use a menstrual cup?

There are different situations in each of us’s lives in which it may be better to use other types of menstrual products.

  • Although it can be used from first rulemaybe it’s not the best time for a girl. If learning what your new body looks like is already difficult, imagine learning how to use the cup as well. This can be used, yes. But the girl may not be as comfortable using a pad or menstrual panties.
  • Postpartum bleeding: The postpartum period is a very sensitive period in all respects, particularly in terms of the woman’s physical recovery. It is advisable to wait until at least the end of your forties to use the menstrual cup. And maybe, even after you’ve gone past the recommended 40 days, your body is telling you to wait a little longer. Sometimes there are pelvic floor injuries, healing stitches, or simply a different condition of your vaginal muscles. Listen to your body and give it time to recover.
  • In case of prolapse or other serious pelvic floor problems: In these cases, any force that places weight inside your vagina will be counterproductive to your muscle improvement. Therefore, in these cases, the menstrual cup is generally contraindicated.
  • Yeah Not sure if you can clean it properly: To use the menstrual cup correctly, it is very important to have clean drinking water to wash and sterilize it. If you are in an environment where it is difficult to ensure the safety of the menstrual cup, it is best to use disposable menstrual cups.
  • Sleep: The menstrual cup can be used while you sleep, however, it is important to consider whether you really need to use it continuously for that long. There may be specific times like traveling, summer, or other situations where you use the cup while you sleep. However, more and more health professionals, such as pelvic floor physiotherapists and midwives, recommend not using it for sleeping or at least going a certain amount of time each day without using it, in order to do not promote pelvic floor injuries.

Recommendations before starting to use the cup

If you are considering using a menstrual cup but are unsure or unsure whether it is recommended in your particular case, it is best to consult someone. menstrual educator or therapist. If what worries you is the state of your pelvic floor, I recommend that you have a check-up with a pelvic floor physiotherapist. These professionals will help you assess in the most appropriate way whether it is best for you to use a menstrual cup. It is also very positive to know the state of our pelvic floor, even if motherhood is not part of your plans. And of course you midwife or gynecologist They can always help you resolve your doubts.

Before using it for the first time, it is very important to sterilize it properly. My recommendations For now, these are:

  • Try using a menstrual cup one day when you will be calmif possible, you will be at home. If you try it by throwing it on quickly and running and spending the whole day away from home, it can become a stressful experience.
  • Wash your hands Alright. And if you have long nails, be very careful not to hurt yourself.
  • If you are at home, you can put it in the shower. Perhaps one of the fears that stops us at first is staining ourselves or our clothes. If you can do it naked in the shower, you will be calmer, and even if you have stains, they will disappear with water.
  • Once the menstrual cup is in place, you shouldn’t notice. Often after putting it on you notice it a little but as soon as you start walking it repositions itself. If after a while you still notice it, remove it and start again.
  • Enjoy the drink, and above all, give yourself time. There are people who feel comfortable and safe using this method the first time. And there are others that require a little more experience. My recommendation is to give it at least three months before deciding whether it’s for you or not.

And finally, if you’re not experiencing issues or situations like those described above and want to start using a menstrual cup… do it! The menstrual cup, if of good quality and used correctly, has no side effects. You can try using it and find out for yourself whether it is for you or not. No one knows better than you. The menstrual cup is an opportunity to better understand your body, its bleeding and to reconnect with your menstrual cycle in a different and much deeper way than what we are used to. If you start using the cup and find that you love it and that it works well for you…you’ll probably wonder why I didn’t start using it sooner?


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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