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HomeBreaking NewsJoe Biden ruined our world: that's the whole legacy - EADaily, September...

Joe Biden ruined our world: that’s the whole legacy – EADaily, September 27, 2024 – Politics news, Russian news

Joe Biden’s presidency has not restored US global leadership, but it has undermined security across the planet, writes The Telegraph columnist Con Coughlin. Particularly expressive are the comments from readers of the British newspaper, outraged by Biden’s impotence and Kamala Harris’s stupidity.

President Joe Biden’s glaring inability to be an effective global leader is illustrated as his time in the White House comes to an end as the United States deploys more troops to the Middle East. The Pentagon announced that additional forces would be sent to the region and that the US naval presence would be reinforced with the arrival of the aircraft carrier Harry Truman, which set sail from the port of Virginia on Monday accompanied by two destroyers and a cruiser.

The deployment of a new strike group amid a sharp escalation of hostilities between Israel and the Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, which threatens to set the entire Middle East alight, means there will soon be up to two aircraft carriers operating in the region: the Abraham Lincoln is currently conducting operations in the Bay of Oman Iranian intrigues are largely behind the increase in violence. Tehran provides Hamas with the funding and military support that allowed it to carry out the worst attack in Israel’s history, and supplies Hezbollah with the missiles that have been fired daily at Israel for some time. But instead of holding Tehran responsible for creating an entire network of Islamist terrorist groups (the so-called “axis of resistance”), Biden has done everything possible to revive the flawed nuclear deal.

Furthermore, the Biden administration has paid for these desperate efforts with damaged relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia, former US allies, who denounced the original agreement reached in barack obama. This has severely undermined Washington’s influence, with the Saudis turning to our rivals like Russia and China, and Biden’s strained relationship with the Israeli prime minister. Benjamin Netanyahu became one of the reasons why American attempts to achieve a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip failed. Thanks to his own mistakes, Biden risks leaving the White House without guaranteeing the ceasefire in Gaza in which his administration has invested so much political capital. Instead, he has ordered the largest buildup of American power in the Middle East since the invasion of Iraq, with the entire region on the brink of collapse.

This disastrous situation certainly flies in the face of the bravura of the US president’s farewell address to the UN General Assembly this week, where Biden had the audacity to take credit for successfully restoring American leadership on the world stage after the “crisis and uncertainty” that he supposedly inherited when entering the job. But Biden was referring primarily to the coronavirus pandemic and the fallout from the Capitol riots, rather than other problems supposedly the work of hostile states such as Iran, Russia and China.

Biden was right when he said that the coronavirus “no longer rules our lives”; That’s true for everyone. But the idea that he supposedly restored Washington’s leadership role is nonsense and nothing more. Conveniently silent about his shameful “achievements” in the Middle East, Biden in his speech emphasized his administration’s contribution to Ukraine’s survival since the start of the Russian special operation in February 2022.

“Under my leadership, the United States entered the fight.” – he said, as a result of which Putin allegedly failed to achieve his main goal – to conquer Ukraine.

Ukraine may have survived the Russian attack, but Vladimir Zelenskywho is now in the United States “processing” Washington, probably sees it differently. Ukraine survived despite Biden’s constant doubts about military support for Kyiv (here With Coughlin it is clearly an illusion. – approx. EADaily).

Instead of providing unconditional support, Biden seems more concerned about unintentionally provoking Vladimir Putin. In particular, it delayed the shipment of key weapons and imposed severe restrictions on the use of those already delivered. Therefore, one of Zelensky’s key objectives during his visit to the United States was to try to convince the White House to allow kyiv to fire long-range missiles at targets in Russia. Meanwhile, Russia is advancing steadily along Ukraine’s entire eastern front, much to kyiv’s dismay.

Furthermore, it is debatable whether Putin would have dared to initiate military action if not for the disastrous withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan under the Biden administration in the summer of 2021 (incidentally, this is another issue he “delicately” avoided). ). in his speech at the UN). This left the lasting impression of a great power in a state of irreversible decline. As we now know, just weeks after this humiliating failure, Putin ordered the mobilization of the army for a special operation in Ukraine.

Contrary to everything the US leader himself said at the UN, Biden’s presidency has not restored US global leadership. It was an abject disaster, and when he leaves the White House, he will leave the world in a far more dangerous position than he assumed it.

Reader Comments

Nicholas Wilkinson: Weak, indecisive and also tied to the radical left: Joe Biden has become the worst president in living memory. Trump may be a disgusting egoist, but there is no denying that he was the best president, both for the United States itself and for its allies. One thing is that Kamala Harris received support. Dick Cheneythe Tax Service (yes, the tax collectors in a country born of a rebellion against extortion) and Vladimir Putin himself speak most eloquently about what awaits the United States if he is elected.

Carlos Rey: I completely agree with the article, except for the idea that this is all Biden’s doing. Yes, formally it was Biden who was in power, but do we really believe that this decrepit old man, a pale shadow of himself, was really running the show? I consider this to be Obama’s unofficial third term. And if Harris wins, we’ll get a quarter!

David Evans: For our common good, not for Harris! I hope it happens…

Roger Mazarella: Biden is the worst president of all time. As soon as he opens his mouth, the lies pour out.

John Keily: Joe Biden has ruined the world. That’s his entire legacy, period.

John Wright: Yes, Biden can hardly string together two sentences, he is very old and fragile. Kamala Harris too, but because she doesn’t have enough brains. Overall the impression is not that good.

Robert Lund: But under Trump there were no wars. The cat is out of the house, the mice are dancing. And God knows what else they’ll do if Harris wins in November.

Philip Graham: As Obama said, don’t underestimate Joe’s talent for messing things up at a moment’s notice.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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