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HomeTop StoriesChild Killed in Indian School as Sacrifice During Black Magic Ritual

Child Killed in Indian School as Sacrifice During Black Magic Ritual

A second grade student was murdered in a school residence in northern India as part of a black magic ritualconvinced that this would bring prosperity to the school, as reported this Friday by the Indian police, who arrested five of those involved.

“Sahapau Police Station has solved the murder of a local child and arrested five people linked to the event”, published the local police of this city in the state of Uttar Pradesh, in the north of the country, on the social network “X”. Among those arrested is school principalDinesh Baghel, his father and his three teachers» Police Commissioner Nipun Agarwal told the Indian newspaper “Times of India”.

The boy, who attended second grade and lived in the school residence, was strangled to death last Sunday evening, September 22. However, it was only Monday morning that his classmates and staff members found the boy unconscious in his bed and informed the principal, Agarwal said.

Bagels I tried to cover up the crime He took the body in his car and drove several kilometers until finally the family, after realizing the child was missing, contacted the police. “We sent the body for post-mortem, which revealed that the child was strangled to death on Sunday night,” the commissioner said. The police also revealed that the five detainees They had tried to kill another child recently.

Even if their numbers are decreasing, in certain regions, particularly in rural or tribal areas, attacks continue to take place. human sacrificesand the practice of black magic to ask for favors, as well as the lynchings of people accused of practicing black magic or witchcraft. The latest crime report in India, for the year 2022, recorded eight deaths linked to human sacrifice and 85 to “witchcraft”.




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