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HomeBreaking NewsThe left of Orihuela once again uses the poet Miguel Hernández as...

The left of Orihuela once again uses the poet Miguel Hernández as a political weapon against the PP

The PSOE of Orihuela, supported by Cs and Cambiemos (Vamos), has undertaken a skillful campaign of attrition against the current mayor, José Vegara (PP), based on an institutional declaration to request the revocation of the summaries against the poet Miguel Hernández in the judicial process that was mastered in 1940. But with this, prevented all the political forces of the Consistory from agreeing on a document of support for the poet’s family.

The events began this week, when Oriola’s socialist spokesperson, Carolina Gracia, presented the mayor with a document of support as an institutional declaration requesting the revocation of the poet’s judicial summaries. A text with many ideological allusions in favor of the Second Republic and placing the poet as a reference for the left.

The mayor, considering the need for this revocation as historic justice, modified the institutional declaration (which must be supported unanimously to move forward) by eliminating the ideological content. “Our poet must not be a throwing weapon, but the poet of all. I am tired of the supposed moral superiority of the left, but much more. that our poet is used to divide and polarize us“, Vegara told this newspaper.

Ultimately, Gracia refused to accept the new text and had her proposal adopted as a motion. And PP and Vox refused to support him in these terms. “Miguel Hernández is not the property of the left and it is about revoking the summary, not being forced to swallow words like Francoism, repression or assassination, 84 years after the trial“.

In fact, the institutional statement that the PP wanted to reach consensus explicitly spoke of the poet as “a symbol of the struggle for freedom and justice.” He already adds: “Currently, far from the post-war and in a democratic state where freedoms should not be threatenedit is necessary that these summaries be revoked.”

These words should not have been enough for the PSOE, which adopted its motion in plenary session as a “swallow it” forcing the PP to vote against“, not only of the demand for revocation, but of the demand in the terms desired by the socialists.”

SO, The socialist appeared in the press accusing Vegara of not wanting to ask for the reduction of sentences to the poet and this afternoon he called an event to continue attacking the PP “under the protection of the new Democratic Memory Law, and thus following the wish of the poet’s own family”.

For his part, the mayor wrote an opinion article in which he clearly sets out his position concerning the “intransigence” of the socialist. Using as a title the words of the poet in a letter from Miguel Hernández to Federico García Lorca, dated May 30, 1933.

“I am, without being anything, a communist and a fascist.” .

I like to assume that lying, imposing one’s own standards without taking into account those of others and slander, deeply bothered Miguel Hernández. I like to imagine that he was able to sit down and talk and find meeting points in which common spaces were created with those with whom he lived. I like to think that, ultimately, his hatred was hushed behind the window.

The PSOE of Orihuela presents an institutional declaration in which it requests the support of the groups that make up the plenary session of the Orihuela City Hall for the elimination of the convictions against Miguel Hernández. Institutional statement, a statement we must all agree on.

In the same spirit, I present a text supported by the one I receive, which asks the same thing but qualifies the statement of reasons by trying to find a meeting point for everyone, for everyone. I’m just looking for that common space in which to understand each other. The response is brutal. The twisted and perverse approach. NO, ours or none. And to the press, to the surprise of those who expect a minimum of institutional loyalty. Mayor Vegara refuses to sign the petition for the conviction of Miguel Hernández. Mr. Vegara, you choose: either Miguel Hernández or fascism. Your text is too white.

Mayor Vegara does not refuse to sign anything, Mayor Vegara is a little tired of some appropriating a figure that belongs to everyone to try to harm, to try to separate, to try to obtain a small political profit.

Mayor Vegara will try, as he has done all his life, to make Miguel Hernández a meeting point, and not a tool of confrontation, for the most odious partisanship of those who speak out against him.

Mayor Vegara would be delighted that some of those tearing their clothes have carried Miguel Hernández’s voice, his poetry and his life to half the places he has taken them.

Mayor Vegara says yes, as always, to Miguel Hernández, and says no to the intransigence of the Socialist Party of Orihuela.

Pepe Vegara Durá (mayor) of Orihuela)




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