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HomeHezbollah and the Houthis prepare a naval blockade of Israel – media

Hezbollah and the Houthis prepare a naval blockade of Israel – media

Hezbollah and the Houthis are planning to blockade the Mediterranean Sea from Israel, according to the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar, which has close ties to the terrorists.

The Telegram channel “Alexey Zheleznov” writes that, according to a source in Yemen, the terrorist organization has used only a small part of its capabilities in recent days, actively preparing for a military confrontation with Israel for several years.

According to the source, Sanaa and Hezbollah intend, together with the Iraqi “Islamic resistance”, to close the Mediterranean Sea to Israel and its allies, including the United States. The plan aims to increase pressure on Israel, cutting it off from strategic sea routes and threatening its maritime isolation.

Hezbollah has carried out limited operations in recent days, but its main resources and capabilities remain in reserve for broader actions, the source said.

Previously, Kursor wrote about how Iran and Hezbollah helped strengthen the Houthis’ military potential.

A recent report by UN sanctions monitors noted that the Houthis in Yemen have been able to grow from a local armed group with limited capabilities to a significant military force. The document highlights that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran, the Lebanese organization Hezbollah and specialists from Iraq played an important role in this process.

The independent panel, which annually reports its findings to the UN Security Council, said the Houthis received tactical and technical training outside Yemen. Representatives of their military formations were sent to Iran, Lebanon and Iraq using false documents, allowing them to evade sanctions.

The authors of the report, citing information received from military specialists, Yemeni officials and sources close to the Houthis, indicated that the group does not have its own capabilities to develop and produce sophisticated weapons without external help. Experts stressed that the volume and variety of military equipment received by the Houthis from abroad, as well as the financial and educational support provided to them, are unprecedented.

The committee also noted that the weapons used by the Houthis have many similarities to developments in Iran and its allies along the “axis of resistance.” It involves both the supply of equipment and the training of fighters, in which the Quds Force, the foreign branch of the IRGC, Hezbollah and specialists from Iraq played a key role.

Additionally, UN experts noted the growing danger associated with the Houthis’ strengthening ties with terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda. According to them, the Houthis and extremist groups agreed to end internal conflicts, exchange weapons and coordinate attacks against Yemeni government forces.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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