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Le Senne, before the judge for having torn the photo of a victim of Franco, affirms that he would have done the same thing with an image of the dictator

The president of the Balearic Parliament, Gabriel Le Senne (Vox), insisted this Friday, during his declaration as an accused before the Palma court, that the episode in which he broke up was “accidental”, in full debate on the repeal of the Balearic law of democratic memory, the portrait of the republican Aurora Picornell and those known as “Rojas del Molinar”, shot dead by the Francoists during the Twelfth Night in 1937. The prosecution asked him if, with a photo of Franco, they did what Likewise, the highest representative of the Autonomous Chamber answered yes, as reported by judicial sources.

The Senne, whom the PP saved from dismissal during an extraordinary plenary session held at the beginning of September, faces several lawsuits filed for alleged hate crime and obstruction of the exercise of civil rights by the descendants of the victims, Memòria de Mallorca , Colectivo. Aurora, the PCE and the Communist Party of the People of Spain (PCPE).

After 9:10 a.m., the second authority of the Balearic Islands appeared at the Palma court, supported by the management of Vox on the islands, and immediately entered the judicial offices, where the far-right parliamentarian clung to his allegations. he argued publicly: that his gesture was accidental and that it took place after the socialist MP who had displayed the portrait on the cover of her computer refused to remove it, which, he asserts, contradicts the neutrality required at the table of Parliament. The parliamentarian refused to respond to the private accusations, but he answered questions from the public prosecutor, his lawyer and the judge.

In his statements to the media after his appearance, Le Senne was “very happy” to explain the facts and said he was confident that “we will soon be able to turn the page and devote ourselves to more serious things, which the citizens are waiting.” The investigator insisted, as on several occasions, on the fact that he had “accidentally torn a sheet of paper”, recalling that he had already apologized “for the inappropriate nature” of his behavior. However, he claimed to be right in the application of the internal regulations: “All the deputies know deep down that these images should not be there”.

Concerning the possibility of being convicted for these facts, the parliamentarian called for going “step by step”: “I hope not to see that, it would be a big surprise. In my humble opinion, the matter is not moving forward, even if [las acusaciones] They have the right to bring a political debate to court. “I believe in the action of justice,” he declared.

Let us recall that on September 3, and without revealing the meaning of its position until a few minutes before the vote, the PP finally refrained from supporting the dismissal of Le Senne, pushed by the opposition groups (PSIB-PSOE, Més per Mallorca, Més for Menorca and Podemos). With this, the conservatives, who last year elevated the ultra leader to the presidency of Parliament in exchange for the possibility for the popular to govern the Balearic Islands alone – of course, with the external support of Vox -, have facilitated the continuity of the far-right leader since the “yes” of the popular party was essential for his ouster. Given that a three-fifths majority of the Assembly was necessary for the initiative to succeed, it was ultimately rejected with seven votes against, 25 abstentions and 25 votes for.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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