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HomeCar hit in Beirut – video and new details

Car hit in Beirut – video and new details

Israel carried out an unusual operation to eliminate a target near Beirut, which caused a stir in Lebanon.

The Voice of Israel Telegram channel writes about this.

The channel writes about what was especially surprising: there was no sound of an approaching rocket or any explosion at the moment of impact. This caused panic and many questions among witnesses.

According to new data, Israel used a high-tech weapon: a missile that does not carry explosives. Strikes the target with a kinetic strike equipped with retractable blades, allowing it to precisely eliminate the object while avoiding destruction around it.

Versions of what type of weapon was used vary. Some sources point to the American Hellfire R9X missile, known for its precision and lack of explosive effect. Others claim that Israel used its own version of this weapon, known as a “ninja.”

Previously, Cursor reported that the IDF destroyed Nasrallah’s idea of ​​“unifying sands.”

During the year, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah actively promoted the idea of ​​uniting fronts, believing that escalation in Gaza would inevitably lead to the expansion of the conflict into Lebanon. However, Israel managed to neutralize these plans through surgical strikes and reconnaissance operations. As a result of the discovery of secret missile caches in residential areas and the destruction of key infrastructure, Hezbollah suffered significant losses, forcing it to reconsider its actions.

Despite isolated provocations, such as firing a rocket at Tel Aviv, the group has refrained from carrying out a large-scale military operation against Israel. Nasrallah is aware that a major conflict could have devastating consequences for both Lebanon and Hezbollah itself. There is a risk of loss of political influence and physical destruction of the group, making leaders more cautious in their actions.

This creates an opportunity for Israel to strike a decisive blow while Hezbollah is weakened. However, international actors such as the United States and France prefer a diplomatic solution to the conflict, proposing the implementation of UN Resolution 1701. This plan involves pushing Hezbollah beyond the Litani River and establishing long-term peace in the region.

In addition, the situation in Iran also influences the easing of tensions. The country is undergoing internal changes: reformist President Masoud Pazkhian seeks to ease sanctions and resume nuclear negotiations, reducing Tehran’s willingness to continue the conflict on several fronts. For Israel, this provides a temporary advantage and an opportunity to strengthen its position.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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