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“Thank God you fooled us for a short time”

Pérez himself proudly admitted this, assuring that the Treasury is a “mafia” and that the “black” payment was a “small moral sacrifice to get where it is”. Furthermore, he encouraged Spaniards to evade taxes: “Any tax you can avoid paying, do not pay.”

The reason for the accusation is an alleged work of which none of the parties involved could specify what it consisted of. The prosecution suspects that it could be a possible electoral crimesince in the messages provided by the businessman, as reported by ABC, it is a question of financing the campaign for the European elections of June 9 “with complete simplicity” and without the control of the Court of Auditors.

Alvise tried to escape the controversy by posting a video on his Telegram channel, which functions as a broadcast group in which the MEP shares his opinions and all kinds of “fake news” and inflammatory anti-system messages with more of 711,000 users. .


The video Alvise shared justifying his collection of 100,000 euros in cash


In this video, the SALF leader justifies his collection of 100,000 euros “in b” by accusing the State of being a “fiscal terrorist” and of “looting” the self-employed, claiming that “millions of workers” are ” subject to taxes. “, and that “charging for legal activity without an invoice is the only way out for workers”.

The squirrels revolt against their leader: “Cheap populist”, “phony”, “chorizo”

However, this controversy seems different from all the previous ones that have surrounded the MEP, not because of its consequences or its seriousness, but because of the reaction of his legion of supporters.

Among the channel’s more than 711,000 subscribers, a kind of “riot” against the politician began for the first time, which opened a fracture in the hitherto impeccable fidelity and the trust they had in him. Thus, thousands of comments accumulate on Alvise’s Telegram channel, confronting those who still defend him and believe in him as if he were a prophet, and those who begin to question him and no longer adhere to the anti-corruption and anti-system speech. .

The video is one of the most commented on his channel. Among the replies, many followers of the politician They accuse him of having “committed a crime”, of being a “cheap populist”, “phony”“corrupt, chorizo, manipulator” or even a “crook, ridiculous, clown and scoundrel who will achieve nothing”.

Some messages from Alvise’s Telegram group


“I thought you were smarter”, “filter the audios now” (referring to the supposed compromised audios of prominent politicians and businessmen he claimed to have), “Thank God you fooled us for a short time, what a disappointment, you are all the same”, ” you can save 90% of the video, the rest is whine to justify that you are another trapala”, continue the thousands of messages with hundreds of “likes” from users who share these criticisms. “Unfortunate”, “disappointment, I didn’t expect that”, “it’s over”, etc.

But many others they remain faithful on the SALF shipapplauding him for attacking “the criminal system” and joining in his speech encouraging Spaniards “to collect ‘en b'”: “Fuck the Treasury, you gang of gangsters”sums up one of them. “We trust you,” said another.

Some SALF followers feel “ripped off” by their leader


“At least he is the only one to show his face even if the truth is already known, who does it?”, “he didn’t steal anything from the Spaniards, like the others”. One user even admits that he commits himself tax fraud: “He has the courage to say and do what many independents do without saying it out of fear.”

Thus, part of the electoral base of the SALF, the anti-systems who came out of the Telegram cave to shake the ballot boxes on June 9, revolted against their leader, who his squirrel mask begins to fall.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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