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Health integrates more than 170 doctors in difficult coverage areas of the Valencian Community

The Minister of Health, Marciano Gómez, announced that “thanks to the new decree of difficult coverage areas of the Generalitat, a total of 172 professionals from different specialties have joined positions considered difficult to fill in the health services of the public health system of the Valencian Community, since its approval in February.

In this regard, Marciano Gomez He thanked the new specialists for their “commitment to the community public health system” and highlighted “the significant impact that the measures included in this new regulation have”.

As the Ministry of Health explains, they work “intensely to alleviate the problem of the shortage of professionals which affects the entire national territory”. “For this reason, we launched incentiveswhich have a very positive effect in attracting talent and retaining professionals in our health system,” he added.

By province, 18 doctors join the areas of difficult coverage in Castellón, 17 specialists chose the areas of Valencia and 137 in Alicante. Concretely, the Vinaròs health service will have 18 new specialists this year, 10 in Requena will join it, 7 in Ontinyent Hospital, in Dénia 37 professionals, 13 in Elda, in Torrevieja 57 and in Orihuela 30 specialists.

Precisely, the Minister of Health went to Dénia to participate in the welcome event organized by the hospital to receive the new professionals who join the structural staff of the hospital center and during which the diplomas were also presented to the specialists who are today completing their training in the health department . An act in which he was accompanied by the director of the Health Department of Dénia, Juan Puig, and the rest of the management team of the health area.

During his speech, Marciano Gómez expressed his gratitude to the 37 professionals who chose this hospital as a work destination and whose incorporation “will mean a strengthening of health care in a region like Denia, which in certain periods of the year experiences “a significant influx” of population due to the arrival of tourists.

More precisely, the specialists who join are 3 digestive system doctors, 1 pulmonologist, 4 neurologists, 1 hematologist, 1 radiologist, 5 psychiatrists, 2 urologists, 2 anesthesiologists, 1 gynecologist, 1 otolaryngologist, 3 ophthalmologists, 1 geriatrician , 1 rheumatologist, 1 oncologist. , 1 specialist in Vascular Surgery, 1 doctor in Preventive Medicine, 2 Nephrologists and 6 specialists in Family and Community Medicine. The latter will be part of the hospital’s emergency department.

The new additions thus make it possible to complete the structural model from many specialties such as the digestive system, pulmonology, neurology, hematology, anesthesiology and intensive care, gynecology or nephrology.

On the other hand, the councilor announced that in October he would hold a meeting with the mayor of Denia, Vicent Grimalt, to address the construction of the new health center of the municipality, a cost that will be passed on to the concessionary company, of which contract ended last January.


The decree-law of extraordinary measures, approved by the plenary session of the Consell in February, has as its main objective guarantee equal quality and support conditions in any geographical point of the Valencian Community. To this end, the regulations include a series of measures aimed at solving the problem of the shortage of professionals and guaranteeing adequate health care for citizens.

As Marciano Gómez explained, “our goal is to improve the conditions of professionals and offer greater job stability so that certain positions are more attractive and thus attract the best professionals. This way, We are moving towards excellent health care“.

In this sense, the regulations include incentives in terms of remuneration, as well as improvements in working conditions or professional career progression. Indeed, to guarantee stability and permanence, selected personnel who access a position with these characteristics will remain in position for three years.

Likewise, regarding the selection processes, rating incentives have been established, so that they obtain more points per month of services provided in areas considered difficult to cover. Regarding advancement in professional grade, for every three months of occupation in a difficult-to-fill position, the time required to advance in grade will be reduced by one month.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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