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Entrepreneurs demand support for entrepreneurship as an investment in social progress

The work of businessmen and entrepreneurs as a pillar to improve society and the economy was one of the elements that participants in the 2nd National Meeting of Young Entrepreneurs which brought together the associations that represent young entrepreneurs from all over Spain in Dénia (Alicante).

Both the president of Spanish Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (Ceaje), Fermin Albaladejolike histo the Valencian employers’ association CEV, Salvador Navarrostressed that despite attacks on businessmen in recent times, their role is essential for social and economic progress.

At the closing of the event, Albadalejo highlighted that in the face of the “vicious circle” that generates “instability, distrust of businessmen and lack of legal security”, there are also territories in which occur virtuous circles, in which entrepreneurs “who build a country and who build a region” and cases mentioned like Juan Roig or the president of Baleària, Adolfo Utorwho attended the meeting. This is why he demanded that “no obstacles be placed on those who “build the country” and “generate a responsible and positive social environment so that employment continues to grow.”

Salvador Navarro praised young entrepreneurs, whom he defined as “the future of our society, even if the word entrepreneur is not highly valued.” The president of the CEV recalled that the objective of being an entrepreneur is “to have an impact on society and drive positive change with the creation of jobs, something that is not accessible to everyone“.

An idea also insisted on by the vice-president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Susana Camarero, for whom the regional government “with the support of entrepreneurs, we invest in the progress of society”.

The Baleària experience

Also the star guest of the meeting, the president and owner of the Baleária shipping company, Adolfo Utor, focused part of his dialogue with Albadalejo on the importance of the social role of the entrepreneur and businesses. “The main asset of any human being and any business is trust”he assured. Utor, who started working as a waiter and then sold tickets for a shipping company, which was revived after bankruptcy and of which he is today the general director and owner, emphasized that “with this capital, you can reach the end of the world.”

With this in mind, he defended that the work of a businessman has an impact and improves society. “By devoting ourselves to what we like, we also help the territories progress”he insisted. Furthermore, he defended that businesses must be profitable and make money, but that “money must be a means and not an end, if we increase it we can end up collapsing.”

During his speech, he recognized that “today, saying making money is a bad thing, but we say that it generates value or increases resources”, while insisting that this is necessary. In his speech, he cited Juan Roig’s phrase when he asks businessmen to “come out of the closet” to promote their work. In this sense, he highlighted that despite the currents of opinion against, the barometer developed by the Valencian Association of Businessmen (AVE) showed that “the vast silent majority” of Spaniards evaluates businessmen positively.

“I want my income statement every year to be useful for two things. One, not to disappoint the trust of my company’s stakeholders,” he said, referring to his workers, his customers and to society in general, particularly in territories where it works. “The second is to continue doing what I love to do,” he added.

Utor defined businessmen as “center people” precisely because they do not seek “big success” in the short term. “We want political and economic stability, because we invest over twenty or thirty years. When we build a ship, we depreciate it over 25 or 30 years. This is why we are as concerned as anyone about social stability, ‘businessman is an enemy.’ of conflict. »

The businessman from Dénia also made a wish in public. “I would like there to be more businessmen in Public Administration” and he stressed that the public sector is “exactly the same as 100 years ago, with the same problems, the same vices and the same inefficiencies”.

Pilar Bernabé, government delegate of the Valencian Community, and Vicente Grimalt, mayor of Dénia, were also present at the closing of the II National Meeting of Entrepreneurial Youth.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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