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Juanma Moreno urges Pedro Sánchez to respond to the list of 100 measures he gave him

Regional financing and the consequences of the agreement between the PSC and the ERC on Catalonia currently condition any message or act of the PP-A or the regional government due to its relevance and impact. This Friday, in a meeting with the mayors of all Andalusia, Juanma Moreno again asked mobilization and social response and estimates that the impact of a possible Catalan concert would reach “6 billion euros for health, education or dependency”.

The president, accompanied by the deputy Elías Bendodo, recalled the message of rejection of the Catalan pact that he transmitted during his meeting with the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, and the 100 proposals that he put on the table in a dossier including investments, legislative reforms and commitments in terms of infrastructure, drought, electricity network or immigration.

“I hope there is an answer. If this does not happen, they are not an indolent or submissive people. They are a proud people, capable of reacting forcefully to any imbalance. “Let them take it into account,” declared the Andalusian president, who accused the central government of “abandon Andalusia for a handful of votes which allow them to maintain and survive in power.

Juanma Moreno once again put on the table the figures of the impact that could take place if the agreement between the PSC and the ERC resulted in a Catalan quota: “So, we will have 6 billion euros less. How are we going to maintain health, education and dependency, if it already costs us 1.5 billion less? I call on society as a whole to become aware of this. Otherwise, we will regret it for years and decades, and especially for future generations.

“We are experiencing years of permanent and constant capitulation to the independence movement due to the blackmail suffered by all Spaniards and which is destroying the common project of Spain. We have endured too much. Where is the left in Spain and where is the PSOE? “This party which said it would never let such an outrage pass?” asked the Andalusian president.

“Faced with the indolence of the PSOE and the forgetting of its historical and ideological program, we are here; we are the last bastion of defense of constitutional Spain and autonomy“, said the President of the Council, who stressed that Andalusia “cannot be relegated”. “If we do not become aware of the problem, we will regret it not for years, but decades,” said Moreno.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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