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Costa assures that the PP did not approve the parental pin and the Spanish Ministry of Defense during its break with Vox

The government spokesperson, Anthony Costaassured this Friday that the PP did not approve this week the motions in favor of the parental pin and the Spanish defense office for Vox breaking in July the programmatic agreement that the two parties had signed at the beginning of the legislature.

During a press conference at the end of the Government Council, the number two of the Government of Marga Prohens considered that the position displayed by his party is “logical consequence” that Vox decided a few months ago, and unilaterally, to break the pact of 110 agreed measures to appoint Marga Prohens as president of the regional executive and that, he stressed, “this government was willing to comply with it”.

For the Minister of Economy, Finance and Innovation, the rejection of the two initiatives, “They are the result of what was said both by the government and by the PP”, after Vox unilaterally broke the governance agreement it had with the popular in the Balearic Islands.

Therefore, and after emphasizing that PP and Vox “are two different parties”spokesperson and advisor Antoni Costa estimated that “no one can accuse the government or the PP of the slightest non-compliance of the 110 agreed measures, quite the contrary”, what happens is that “when Vox unilaterally decides to break the agreement, “Neither the government nor the PP feel committed to it anymore.”

In more detail, in relation to the parental PIN code, indicated that “this could be accepted, As was the case at the time, extracurricular activities required express written consent from parents, but school activities did not. It is the latter that Vox proposed this week to Parliament.

Regarding the linguistic office, he recalled that its establishment was a proposal from Vox, which is why, once the governance agreements were broken, the PP voted against, as a “logical consequence” of what happened.

Asked if he had received complaints or reproaches from Vox regarding the new position of the PP, the Government spokesperson and advisor assured that “No one from Vox” transmitted “anything”.

In any case, and as he has already stated on several occasions, Costa indicated that the intention of the government and the PP, since the termination of the agreements with Vox, is to “negotiate proposal by proposal, law by law, procedure by procedure”.

“Now the treatment of the administrative simplification decree in the form of a bill is being negotiated, with the president of Vox, Patricia de las Heras, and the parliamentary spokesperson, Manuela Cañadas,” he explained and it is “exactly the same thing” that will be done. “With the spending ceiling and the finance law, let’s negotiate and continue the negotiations,” he concluded.

After the Governing Council, Costa received the delegation of the German Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprisescomposed of around a hundred German businessmen, to whom he informed that the Balearic Executive would roll out a “red carpet” for all those who want to “invest in the future of the Balearic Islands”.

Furthermore, the Vice President said that a good part of the promised tax reform is already in force since the first months of the Government and highlighted the first decree of administrative simplification and rationalization, currently in the Balearic Parliament, in the intended to become law.

He also insisted on the “need to modernize and digitalize administration and, in this sense, highlighted measures such as the pilot plan for automation of grant management or the introduction of artificial intelligence in the administration.

The event, which was held at the ParcBit auditorium, also brought together the General Director of Innovation and Digital Transformation, Sébastien González; the Director General of Economy and Statistics, Catalina Barceló, and the Director General of Businesses, Self-Employed and Trade, José Antonio Caldes.

For his part, González highlighted the potential of ParcBit as a pillar of innovation and investment in the Balearic Islands. “We believe that German companies will find an ideal environment here grow and collaborate,” he noted.

Finally, the President of the German Federal Economic Senate, Christophe Ahlhausstressed that the association of German SMEs provides 1.2 jobs and that with its 28,000 member companies it is “the largest in Europe, just behind Italy”.

Ahlhaus recalled the special relationship that exists between Germany and Majorca. “It was obvious that we had to make this visit,” highlighting “the force of innovation that is developing today on the island.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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