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the prognosis of anti-aging specialist Vicente Mera

Global Longevity Forum -the international meetings on longevity and healthy aging which will take place on October 17 and 18 in Alicante– in its third edition it will have the participation of the doctor Vicente Méraspecialist in anti-aging medicine and responsible for the center’s health programs Sha Wellness Clinic.

“It is very likely that we will reach 100 years before the end of the century if another global event does not occur to prevent it, such as wars or natural disasters,” estimates Dr. Mera, considered “a benchmark in putting implementing personalized care to combat the effects of aging.

The doctor will present his vision and experience in this field during the congress which will bring together some of the “most influential voices in biomedicine and global health”, according to what they emphasize Sha Wellness Clinic.

Concretely, the doctor will participate in the round table entitled “Nutritional supplements in longevity”. Fact or fiction?’, hosted by Jose Vina (University of Valencia) and where they will also be present Deborah New (Quirón Salud Group), Ricardo Ramos (Imdéa Food) and Stephen Harridge (King’s College London).

Leading the medical team at Sha Wellness, Mera has developed a “comprehensive approach that combines the best of Western medicine and complementary therapies to improve the health and well-being of her patients, a model that has established as one of the most effective. advanced worldwide in the management of aging.

Their participation in this international forum highlights “the growing importance of preventive and anti-aging medicine, as a fundamental pillar in the promotion of healthy longevity”. In this sense, he emphasizes that “aging is not a disease in itself, but a process that makes us more vulnerable to specific age-related diseases or simply to loss of quality of life.”

According to the same sources, Dr. Mera stands out for his “holistic approach to anti-aging medicine, combining the most advanced scientific research with personalized therapeutic practices.” Under his leadership, Sha Wellness Clinic “has implemented innovative programs for the prevention and treatment of premature aging, addressing key factors such as stress, sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet and hormonal disorders.”

Actually, Vicente Mera He explains: “I have observed the enormous benefits for maintaining health that are achieved with simple measures that often require only discipline and consistency.”

During his participation in Global Longevity Forum in AlicanteMera will discuss the treatments offered at Sha Wellness Clinic, including hormone replacement therapies, cellular detoxification treatments, and longevity programs designed to reverse the damage accumulated by aging. These treatments, explains the clinic, “not only improve physical appearance, but aim to optimize organic functionality, thus promoting a better quality of life in older people.”

“In short, a person ages healthy if, despite the passage of years, they are able to maintain their state of physical, mental and social well-being reasonably well,” explains Dr. Mera. ardent supporter of preventive medicinea discipline that seeks to intervene before age-related chronic diseases develop. In the clinic, moreover, “each treatment is tailored to the individual needs of patients, taking into account their genetics, lifestyle and general health, allowing for a more effective approach to healthy aging.”

The Sha Wellness Clinic – located on the Costa Blanca in Spain – is “world-renowned for its wellness and longevity treatments”. Its programs combine advanced Western medicine with natural medicine and Eastern therapies, “providing a holistic approach to improving physical and mental health.”

From Sha Wellness Clinic They point out that “in recent decades, life expectancy has increased significantly thanks to advances in scientific research. “This increase has raised new questions about the limits of human longevity and highlighted the importance of not only living longer, but also having a better quality of life.”

Experts in “living longer and better”

In this regard, the famous expert in human genetics and biostatistics from the University of California (Los Angeles), Steve Horvathwill unveil at the LWFA in Alicante the keys to its epigenetic clock (known as the “Horvath clock”) to “estimate biological age from DNA methylation, as well as the development of analytical methods of biological networks widely used in genomic applications and will give a conference under the title Biomarkers in Longevity.

On the other hand, Felipe Barata, from ETH Zurich, “will reveal the secrets of aging through the natural rhythms of life”. Likewise, this David Garrido Jaénfrom the Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia (IBV), will highlight in its intervention – framed in devices and applications on aging and longevity – technological innovations for healthy longevity.

The inaugural lecture will be given by Toren Finkelprofessor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, who will examine the issue of longevity and healthy aging with a presentation titled: “Mechanisms to Combat Interventions.”

On the other hand, the businessman Brian Johnson – known for his rigorous habit changes – will offer his perspective on life extension. “The key mechanisms for living longer and better, such as autophagy and senescence”, will also be explored, with interventions from experts such as Ana María Cuervo and Salvador Macip, and round tables will be organized on the myths of longevity and the effectiveness of nutritional supplements, as well as innovation in startups in the sector.

Furthermore, Mercedes Ayuso will present and discuss the need to prepare for a longer society. The meeting will close by María Blasco, director of the CNIO, who will delve deeper into the role of telomeres in aging.

Global Longevity Forum in Alicante It is not only a space to discuss the most innovative advances in the field of longevity, but also an opportunity to discover the trends that will shape the future of health and well-being.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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