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HomeLatest NewsStudy says AI can grow Spanish economy by 282 billion euros

Study says AI can grow Spanish economy by 282 billion euros

Artificial intelligence has the power to boost the Spanish economy, with the ability to unlock 282 billion euros of GDP before 2030. This is the conclusion of the latest report from Amazon Web Services on AI in Spain. Furthermore, this same survey concludes that 44% of companies in the region are already applying this technology, on a more or less large scale, which represents an increase of 8% compared to previous years.

These data were presented at the conference “Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities”, organized by the Foundation for Stock Market and Financial Studies (FEBF) at its headquarters in Valencia to present the book published under the same title. “We want to make civil society think about the importance of AI for improve business competitiveness and decision-making from the people”, indicated Isabel Giménez, head of the FEBF.

During their interventions, the authors of the book assured that AI represents a great technological and commercial revolution, and is an ally for growing in competitiveness and operational excellence. Nevertheless, they also warned of the importance of finding a balance between ethics and technological development, so that artificial intelligence still respects the fundamental rights of the societies in which it is applied, but is not burdened by excessive regulation .

The conference also benefited from the participation of the general manager of Amazon Web Services software development companies in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Miguel Álava, who focused on the potential of AI for create high value-added industries. “Artificial intelligence represents a unique opportunity to accelerate Spain’s digital transformation and can boost our economy.”

Thus, Álava defended the three main pillars of AI implementation: regulation, training and democratization. Regulation that offers the same guarantees to all citizens, training that allows businesses and individuals to make good use of technology and democratization so that all businesses and citizens can access it on an equal footing.

The use of AI in administration, finance and health

The conference “Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities” was opened by José Roselló, member of the CEV Commission, CEO of Don Hierro and member of the FEBF Board of Directors.

The first round table focused on “regulatory challenges in artificial intelligence”and was moderated by the journalist Daniel Martín, delegate of El Debate in Valencia. The participants were José Manuel Muñoz, partner at Adequa Legal, and Manuel Asenjo, CIO of Broseta Abogados, who explained the importance of integrating AI into the cybersecurity and compliance strategy of companies.

Then, the Doctor of Law of the CEU Cardenal Herrera University, Patricia Mendilibar, gave the lecture “Governance in Artificial Intelligence”, where she explained the capacity of artificial intelligence to make public administration more interactive and intuitive, which helps citizens and is more transparent and accessible.

Subsequently, the second table revolved around the use of artificial intelligence, focusing on the financial sector and the health sector. On this occasion, the participants were Javier Carbonell, partner at atl Capital, and Manuel Bosch, director of innovation and digital transformation of the Ribera Salud group.

Carbonell spoke about the importance of AI in the financial sector, to analyze data and identify opportunities, while Bosch explained some examples of applying AI to help professionals. improve disease diagnosisdiscover new medications or design personalized treatments.

Miguel Álava gave the closing lecture “Artificial Intelligence: technology to promote innovation and competitiveness”, during which he spoke about the potential of new technologies and highlighted Amazon Web’s commitment to CSR Services (AWS).

“At AWS we contribute with the largest investment that an international company has made in our country, providing a network of sustainable data centers that represent an investment of 15.7 billion euros,” he said. noted. Furthermore, he explained that the company has already trained more than 200,000 Spaniards in cloud technology.

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“Artificial Intelligence: challenges and opportunities” This is the 30th book published by the Stock Market and Financial Studies Foundation to promote financial education and help businesses and citizens make better decisions. Previous titles include, among others, the “Practical Compliance Manual”, “The Challenges of the Digital Society and Payment Means” or the “Dictionary of Sustainability and the 2030 Agenda”.

In addition, the Foundation also organizes events and meeting forums, as well as courses, masters and conferences to improve financial education.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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