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The PSOE asks Serrano where is the Strategic Tourism Plan that he “promised” during the electoral campaign

Socialist councilor Marisa Sánchez Cerro also denounced in a press release the “lack of interest” from the government team of the People’s Party on tourism, “a question which was the flag of the opposition”.

He thus criticized the fact that the government team did not convene the Airport Table, “despite the fact that, being in opposition, the requests of the PP in this regard were reiterated, and now, More than 15 months have passed since his inauguration, nothing at all.”

Sánchez Cerro recalled that the government team publicly announced the holding of a meeting of the Airport Council on October 10, 2023 at the suggestion of the City Hall of the capital and in the presence of all the administrations and entities involved, as institutional, the public company AENA. and operators in the tourism sector, “but this meeting did not take place or was held in secret, because we were not summoned or informed, nor did we see any results.”

The socialist councilor recognized that for some time there has been a series of flights departing from Albacete airport, “however, as an institution of Albacete, what interests us is to attract tourists in our city and our province and, in this sense, “There is no strategy or anything.”

In this regard, Sánchez Cerro asked the Strategic Tourism Plan that the current mayor, Manuel Serranoannounced during the 2023 electoral campaign so that Albacete progresses in domestic tourism sustainable throughout the year.

“At the time of the campaign, Serrano dedicated himself to announcing measures to revitalize tourism and hospitality in the city, promoting the activity of the Albacete Fair Institution (IFAB), the Palace of Congress or the airport, and we would like to know what has been done in these areas,” added the socialist councilor.

In addition, according to Marisa Sánchez Cerro, the current mayor has spoken about launching a Strategic Plan for the IFAB, as well as a Marketing Plan adapted to new communication and marketing channels, to make this fair institution more attractive.

“Well, at this point he doesn’t know, he doesn’t respond, just like what’s happening with the Palais des Congrès, for which it was planned to carry out a complete rehabilitation, giving it a more modern and functional to provide better service. to exhibitors and visitors, as well as to attract new trade fairs and events.

And meanwhile, according to Marisa Sánchez Cerro, this government team continues without taking advantage of a tourist resource as central as the Altozano air raid shelters.

Bank Art Museum

On the other hand, and in another press release, the PSOE expressed its concern because of the mayor’s “apathy”Manuel Serrano, who guards the inhabitants of Albacete “without being able to benefit” from the emblematic Bank of Spain“an issue that became evident after the allocation of 82,000 euros for minimal repair work in the historic building, and which was reported today through a resolution from the Town Hall.”

“We have been with this mayor for more than a year and three years will pass and the building will remain lifeless, without being used as a tourist and cultural resource,” stressed socialist councilor Amparo Torres.

“This mayor will limit himself to carrying out minimal maintenance work, plugging holes and cleaning pigeon droppings”, recalling that the previous team of the socialist government reached an agreement with the Ibáñez Cosentino Art Foundation to rehabilitate the Bank of Spain and transform it into the Albacete Art Museum, in the heart of Altozano.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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