Home Entertainment News Zoroquiáin, the town of Navarre which will be accessible by a paved...

Zoroquiáin, the town of Navarre which will be accessible by a paved road for the first time

Zoroquiáin, the town of Navarre which will be accessible by a paved road for the first time

Zoroquiaine It is a city belonging to Unciti Town Hallalmost Zabacetawhere the Fig from Montreal reached with his shadow. Never in their history have they had paved road able to get there by car, but it’s over.

The Government of Navarra agreed, during its session this Wednesday, to declare urgent, for the purposes of forced expropriation the occupation of property and rights affected by the execution of the paving project from the access road to Zoroquiaine in Unciti.

The intervention, promoted by the municipal council, seeks to pave the way for access to Zoroquiáin from the intersection with the NA-234 highway, because it is located in poor state of conservation.

It will also introduce improvements to ensure the sroad safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists“given the substantial increase that this path has experienced due to the population growth of Zoroquiáin“, reported the Executive.

In another vein, the Government of Navarra has agreed to declare urgent, for purposes of forced expropriation, the occupation of the properties and rights affected for the execution of the third phase of expansion of the complex. Drinking Water Treatment Plant (ETAP) ‘La Pedrera’, promoted at the request of Commonwealth of Mairaga. The objective of the project is to “guarantee the quality and quantity of water for domestic use that reaches the localities that have just been integrated into this community, basically in the Ribera Alta of Navarre, such as Cadreita, Funes, Milagro and Villafranca “.


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