Saturday, September 28, 2024 - 3:00 am
HomeLatest Newsa Mozart opera is dressed “à la Orensana”

a Mozart opera is dressed “à la Orensana”

Several residents of the Orense municipality of Nogueira de Ramuín – and surrounding areas – are finalizing a project they have been working on for about eight months. He Monastery of Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil, on the border between Lugo and Ourense, welcomes this Saturday, at 8:00 p.m., ‘The Marriage of Figaro, the Sharpener’, a reinterpretation of Mozart’s famous opera; but in this one, the protagonist, Figaro, becomes a pencil sharpener who returns home after years of traveling the world with his wheel. The play, designed by themselves, is a claim to local history and tradition, and the fruit of a collaboration that makes them scriptwriters and actors of their own work.

The first impulse came from Mikel Aristegui, choreographer, playwright and director of the Orense company. She returned to Spain after having lived 21 years in Germany, and more particularly in Galicia, because that is where her husband is from. “Culturally, it was a space to explore” tells ABC. He began researching Indigenous heritage and set his sights on the historic craft of sharpening. He prepared a theatrical proposal that he presented to La Caixa’s Art for Change program, focused on community participation, and was selected.

Guided by Mikel and helped by a team of professionals, the participants wrote the work, wrote the sung texts and made their own costumes – for example the colorful Entroido costumes that they showcase in the work. The musical aspects, another part of the saved heritage, are provided by traditional instruments, as part of a collaboration with the Legar Foundation. The cast is made up of around 35 people, and neighbors, members of the Association of People with the Autism Spectrum of Orense (Trascos), the Castro Floxo Municipal School and the CEIP Luíntra, and a dozen professionals from different fields participate in the production. Among others, Brais González, pianist, composer and expert in traditional rhythms.

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Although this is Saturday’s second performance, the lead actor will be making his debut. This is Juan Carlos “Popy” Domínguez, a resident of the municipality. He has been singing opera for many years as a vocation: “Some people do rock and others…”, he jokes, in a conversation with this medium. He was unable to participate in the first performance in June, but he went to this one with twice as much enthusiasm. In addition, he is surrounded by the best company: by dint of one rehearsal per week, in the end “you get to know people better”, he believes. Sharing passions brings people together: some travel up to 15 kilometers from surrounding parishes – such as Orense or Vilar de Santos, in the south – to attend practices. Popy recognizes that The nerves are a shared sensation, but the desire is stronger; In the end, neither he nor his companions “ever” thought that the work would reach the Municipal Auditorium of Orense and it did, in June, with a wonderful reception. With this in mind, Mikel explains that theater, like other activities, can become a “therapeutic tool.” For the benefits that the practice brings in terms of memorization and mobility, but also to create a sort of relaxation space for those involved. Something that can do a lot of good, especially in environments or people who present a risk of exclusion.

In any case, Popy affirms that the emotion is felt from the stage, but also in the seats. By watching friends, acquaintances or simply people without experience in the world of theater play, the participants “identify”. They receive, he thinks, a whisper that says “that could be me.” Because On Saturday, the objective is twofold: to offer a great performance and to “provoke” the public. Let them dare to participate, as they did when Mikel “started ringing the bells, to get people out of their holes”. Because it is not necessary to have a career as a playwright to go on stage, nor, a fortiori, to have a good time. This Saturday, with a little luck, the theater bug will bite more than one in Nogueira de Ramuín.

Poster for the production, which will be performed this Saturday at 8:00 p.m.



Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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