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A sculpture in homage to Jota Pujada will preside over the town hall square Miguel Esteban

The City Council of Miguel Esteban (Toledo) launched the renovation work which will take place in the Plaza de los Mártires of the municipality.

The work will consist of removing the fountain and placing a sculptural group composed of four bronze figures dancing the Jota Pujadaa sculpture completed by the coat of arms of Miguel Esteban.

“It is a tribute to our Jota Pujada, which was recently declared a Festival of Regional Tourist Interest and which constitutes one of our characteristics, therefore it is also a tribute to our past and our roots”, indicated Mayor Miguelete, Marcelino. Casas.

In this sense, he emphasized that “this sculptural complex will increase the tourist offer of our city because it will be an attractive element for those who visit our city at any time of the year and will also be complemented by the opening of the Jota Pujada.” Museum in which it will also be “We are working to make it a reality in 2025”.

Marcelino Casas explained that “the renovation of the Plaza de los Mártires will allow greater visibility of the surroundings of the square and will highlight the typical house hidden behind the fountain, thus reinforcing the typical character of a traditional sleeve placega, in addition to achieving a more accessible and spacious space to celebrate social and cultural events.

The author of the sculptures that will preside over the Plaza de los Mártires is the artist from Toledo Luis Martin de Vidaleswho has already carried out other works in Miguel Esteban, such as the statue of the Vendimiadora and the statue of Don Quixote, “which have become authentic icons for the municipality”, as the mayor emphasized.

The work represents an investment of 140,000 euross and was financed by the City Council and the Extraordinary Investment Plan of the Provincial Delegation of Toledo of 2023.

Other improvements

Furthermore, last August, the Town Hall carried out work to improve the pumping of the La Vega park consisting of the replacement of old pipes and valves with stainless steel pipes. This pumping is very important in the sanitation and purification system since half of the municipality’s waste and rainwater passes through it before being sent to Los Charcones.

The mayor also announced that it is planned to soon improve the sanitation networks of La Médica, General Sanjurjo, Vía Férrea, Alcázar and Bonn streets, in order to improve sanitation and the evacuation of rainwater and ‘avoid flooding in areas and houses. This action, which will require an investment of 400,000 euros, will be carried out within the framework of the Provincial Plan of the Provincial Delegation of Toledo 2023-2024 and with the own funds of the City Hall, which will contribute 250,000 euros of the total.

Likewise, in October, work to expand the municipal cemetery should begin, which will allow the construction of 30 new graves and will require an investment of 45,000 euros.

Finally, the work to cover the paddle tennis courts will soon be awarded.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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