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HomeLatest NewsA case of Nile virus confirmed in Ibros (Jaén)

A case of Nile virus confirmed in Ibros (Jaén)

Detected on second case of West Nile virus (WNV) in the province of Jaén. The first was a week ago in LinearEast and the second was confirmed this Friday by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Junta de Andalucía in a person in Ibros. After knowing the confirmation, The city council issued a press release inform of the measures that must be adopted to avoid infections.

Initially, Santé et Consommation communicated to municipal elected officials the public health actions that they must adopt as provided for in the comprehensive surveillance and control program for vectors transmitting West Nile fever (WNF) in Andalusia considerably reduce the probability of transmission to the population.

Upon receipt of this communication, the relevant measures are adopted, following the recommendations of the experts and according to the protocol established by the Autonomous Administration, so that a specialized company can act to carry out monitoring and control measures appropriate measures to reduce the risk to the population.

Given this situation, Ibros town hall asks the population to develop preventive behaviors to avoid mosquito bites during the hours of greatest activity of the species that transmit this disease (in the hours close to dawn and after dusk), both individually –use of repellents registered for topical use and transparent clothing and which covers most of the skin–, like domestic –use of mosquito nets or environmental repellentss– particularly for the vulnerable population with compromised immunity.

These recommendations should include avoid peridomesal water accumulation (gardens, pots, tools, etc.) to prevent them from being used for the development of mosquito larvae.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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