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HomeLatest NewsThe infallible tip of Spanish gardeners to eliminate mealybugs without insecticides

The infallible tip of Spanish gardeners to eliminate mealybugs without insecticides

Spanish gardeners eliminate mealybugs Without insecticide, they have a foolproof trick that you may not have known about until now. These are times when you have to start preparing to give your all, especially with the help of certain elements that will be essential and that can really end up being what marks these days that you fear to come. Our vegetable garden or these beautiful plants that we have just purchased have their days numbered, with an infallible method.

This pest endangers plants that could be threatened by these most common insects. We can surely see these plants full of mealybugs if we do not use a specific type of insecticide or if we leave behind a series of elements that can end up making a difference. So ultimately what we need is to get some details that go along with it that maybe we should consider. The mealybugs will eventually make history, with a trick that gardeners use and which can give us more than one joy. You will be able to put it into practice whenever you need it, in less time and with features that you may not have considered.

Eliminating mealybugs is a reality

Mealybugs are a type of insect which is very present in our daily life, accompanied by a series of key elements and which we may not have taken into account until now. It’s time to start preparing to put an end to one of the pests that can cause the most damage.

In a publication from the University of California, it helps us to know this type of insects, as they say: “Mealybugs (or mealybugs) are immobile insects that suck plant sap from many types of trees, d shrubs and plants. Infestations of these insects can cause yellowing or premature leaf drop, sticky honeydew, and black sooty mold. Plant parts may become distorted or die, depending on the species and abundance of mealybugs. Management includes proper plant care, conservation of natural enemies, and application of less toxic insecticides when necessary. “Most plants tolerate low to moderate numbers of mealybugs.”

The damage they can cause to plants can be varied, depending on what we are told at the same university:

  • Damage resembles that of aphids and whiteflies
  • Abundant sticky honeydew excreted by soft scales and some other species
  • Black sooty mold growing on molasses
  • Discolored, distorted, or dying leaves, twigs, or branches, especially with armored scales

The trick to getting rid of mealybugs without pesticides

Pesticides are not recommended or at least some do not do it, in Spain we only have a few authorized and in the hands of those who can put into practice this trick that can help us achieve what we want. Maintain healthy plants to make our daily lives possible with more and more natural ingredients.

From Pur Plant they give us a series of details that can be essential to eliminate mealybugs: “Potassium soap, as with the rest of the parasites and by acting directly on the cover or cuticle of the insects, naturally eliminates the mealybug. We also recommend applying the treatment first thing in the morning and we can help eliminate more mealybugs with cotton and alcohol. We advise separating the affected plant during the curative treatment, as it can infect the rest of our jungle and that would be a good drama. On the other hand, buying diatomaceous earth is another excellent alternative. It can be sprinkled through the substrate or sprayed. It is also a 100% ecological, animal-friendly and completely harmless insecticide. It can be used to fight cockroaches and ants, 2 in 1!!

To reduce this and any other type of plants we have in our homes, we must be prepared for what lies ahead.

Provide plants with what they need, including adequate watering.

Monitor plants for scale predators such as ladybugs or lacewings and parasite emergence holes in the scale coverings.

Use sticky barriers or insecticide baits to selectively control ants that protect scale insects.

Consider replacing problem plants. Most mealybugs are very specific to certain plants.

Therefore, we will be aware of this scourge that could end up being the one that will accompany us in the days that await us. We will be very attentive to what the experts tell us and we will make the most of these tips that await us. This way of caring for plants may prove essential for you, you can eliminate them once and for all.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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